i am using tmw to track drs, and i did it in a way so that the border color of the given dr icon implies the "stacks" of drs - eg. green border is 50% dr, yellow 25% und red is immune.
this worked perfectly fine before r5xx and as the border is enough to tell how much dr stacks are up i just want no text string to show up. however dog tags now won't let me have an empty stack display, everytime i erase the string for stack display it just reappears on next, PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD.
i am using tmw to track drs, and i did it in a way so that the border color of the given dr icon implies the "stacks" of drs - eg. green border is 50% dr, yellow 25% und red is immune.
this worked perfectly fine before r5xx and as the border is enough to tell how much dr stacks are up i just want no text string to show up. however dog tags now won't let me have an empty stack display, everytime i erase the string for stack display it just reappears on next, PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD.