Hey y'all. Quick background: I'm using macOS with ohmyzsh. I was messing around with the plugin today and I tried to install a version that I knew wouldn't be available to see what would happen. I was surprised to see that asdf reported that the version was successfully installed even though the output suggested otherwise:
> $ asdf install crystal 0.42.0
∗ Downloading and installing Crystal...
tar: Error opening archive: Unrecognized archive format
The installation was successful!
I can also see the version when listing installations:
I've verified that removing this failed installation is as simple as using asdf uninstall. Although possibly trivial, I don't think this behavior is expected. I am going to open a pull request addressing there here in a few minutes.
Hey y'all. Quick background: I'm using macOS with ohmyzsh. I was messing around with the plugin today and I tried to install a version that I knew wouldn't be available to see what would happen. I was surprised to see that asdf reported that the version was successfully installed even though the output suggested otherwise:
I can also see the version when listing installations:
I've verified that removing this failed installation is as simple as using
asdf uninstall
. Although possibly trivial, I don't think this behavior is expected. I am going to open a pull request addressing there here in a few minutes.