asdine / storm

Simple and powerful toolkit for BoltDB
MIT License
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string based queries #183

Open joeblew99 opened 7 years ago

joeblew99 commented 7 years ago

am using storm with a qcrs style system. SO the reeads and writes are different databases. Is there a way for queries to be described as strings and then converted to storm queries & visa versa ? This would make projections and materialised views much easier. Each materialised view is actually a cache held in storm. The queries that you want to run over it are best stored as strings because of the nature of the data levle and role level security you want to overlay on the queries. Also i prefer it to be done at runtime and not compile time so the systme is extensible by non developers.

Anyway if there is a way to pass in queries as strings please let me know..

asdine commented 7 years ago

This is currently not possible as queries are just plain unexported code, it wasn't designed to be serialized / deserialized because that would mean we designed a query language. A package that translates strings to Storm queries would be cool but i'm afraid it's not in the scope of Storm to do that.