aseemk / node-neo4j-template

A template app for using Neo4j from Node.js.
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Upgrade Cypher queries for Neo4j 2.0 #9

Closed aseemk closed 10 years ago

aseemk commented 10 years ago

But the Neo4j team's hosted instance (that the running Heroku app points to) is still version 1.8. I've reached out to ask when it'll be 2.0.

iamricard commented 10 years ago

Just thought I'd mention it throws this error:

Error: Question mark is no longer used for optional patterns - use OPTIONAL MATCH instead (line 2, column 14) "MATCH (user) -[rel?:follows]-> (other)

A quick solution to that is to change lines 47 and 100 rel?: to rel: and MATCH to OPTIONAL MATCH

Probably not ideal, but for now it does the trick.

aseemk commented 10 years ago

Thanks! Fixed.