asg017 / sqlite-http

A SQLite extension for making HTTP requests purely in SQL
MIT License
227 stars 11 forks source link

Faced 'Error: unable to open database "xxx.db": automatic extension loading failed: no extension with name 'http' registered'. #32

Open avinashkurup opened 10 months ago

avinashkurup commented 10 months ago

Hi, I am attempting to statically link the sqlite-http extension with the amalgamation sqlite. I was able to succeed with another go extensions viz. sqlite-html. I face this error on extension loading in sqlite.

SQLite version 3.43.2 2023-10-10 12:14:04 Enter ".help" for usage hints. Connected to a transient in-memory database. Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database. sqlite> select http_get_body(''); Error: unable to open database ":memory:": automatic extension loading failed: no extension with name 'http' registered

I find sqlite3_http_init included in the executable,

00000000001eea7f T sqlite3_global_recover 0000000000117a5a T sqlite3_hard_heap_limit64 0000000000400cf3 T sqlite3_html_init 000000000063a546 T sqlite3_http_init <------ calls go_sqlite3_extension_init 000000000063a596 T sqlite3_http_no_network_init 00000000000ea95b T sqlite3_ieee_init 00000000001e9b6d T sqlite3_initialize 00000000004034fe T _sqlite3_interrupt

nm -gC ./libsqlite_http0.a | grep 'go_sqlite3_extension_init' 000000000011e960 T _cgoexp_97bac8ba3e87_go_sqlite3_extension_init U go_sqlite3_extension_init U _cgoexp_97bac8ba3e87_go_sqlite3_extension_init 000000000000017e T go_sqlite3_extension_init U go_sqlite3_extension_init

nm -gC html0.a | grep 'go_sqlite3_extension_init' 00000000001f3ea0 T _cgoexp_97bac8ba3e87_go_sqlite3_extension_init U go_sqlite3_extension_init U _cgoexp_97bac8ba3e87_go_sqlite3_extension_init 000000000000017e T go_sqlite3_extension_init U go_sqlite3_extension_init

nm -gC ./sqlite | grep 'go_sqlite3_extension_init' 00000000005f76c0 T _cgoexp_97bac8ba3e87_go_sqlite3_extension_init 0000000000400eb0 T go_sqlite3_extension_init

where is go_sqlite3_extension_init defined, Please tell me what I am missing in the build process?


avinashkurup commented 10 months ago

Hi, I am attempting to statically link the sqlite-http extension with the amalgamation sqlite. I was able to succeed with another go extensions viz. sqlite-html. I face this error on extension loading in sqlite.

SQLite version 3.43.2 2023-10-10 12:14:04 Enter ".help" for usage hints. Connected to a transient in-memory database. Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database. sqlite> select http_get_body(''); Error: unable to open database ":memory:": automatic extension loading failed: no extension with name 'http' registered

I find sqlite3_http_init included in the executable,

00000000001eea7f T sqlite3_global_recover 0000000000117a5a T sqlite3_hard_heap_limit64 0000000000400cf3 T sqlite3_html_init 000000000063a546 T sqlite3_http_init <------ calls go_sqlite3_extension_init 000000000063a596 T sqlite3_http_no_network_init 00000000000ea95b T sqlite3_ieee_init 00000000001e9b6d T sqlite3_initialize 00000000004034fe T _sqlite3_interrupt

nm -gC ./libsqlite_http0.a | grep 'go_sqlite3_extension_init' 000000000011e960 T _cgoexp_97bac8ba3e87_go_sqlite3_extension_init U go_sqlite3_extension_init U _cgoexp_97bac8ba3e87_go_sqlite3_extension_init 000000000000017e T go_sqlite3_extension_init U go_sqlite3_extension_init

nm -gC html0.a | grep 'go_sqlite3_extension_init' 00000000001f3ea0 T _cgoexp_97bac8ba3e87_go_sqlite3_extension_init U go_sqlite3_extension_init U _cgoexp_97bac8ba3e87_go_sqlite3_extension_init 000000000000017e T go_sqlite3_extension_init U go_sqlite3_extension_init

nm -gC ./sqlite | grep 'go_sqlite3_extension_init' 00000000005f76c0 T _cgoexp_97bac8ba3e87_go_sqlite3_extension_init 0000000000400eb0 T go_sqlite3_extension_init

where is go_sqlite3_extension_init defined, Please tell me what I am missing in the build process?


Issue with SQLite HTTP Extension Compilation


I am using the http extension in a custom build. I aim to obtain a static library that can be linked with the amalgamation SQLite version.

I've observed that the $(TARGET_OBJ) in the Makefile produces a file named sqlite-http/dist/http0.o. However, this seems to be a static library rather than an object file, as evident from the following:

$ file ./sqlite-http/dist/http0.o 
./sqlite-http/dist/http0.o: current ar archive

Is it necessary to compile the shared.c file, given it contains the entry point? Notably, the sqlite-html extension seems to function correctly. I am keen on making the sqlite-http extension operational as well.

Any guidance would be immensely appreciated.

asg017 commented 10 months ago

A few notes:

Do you mind sharing the compile flags you've tried so far?

avinashkurup commented 10 months ago

Thank you, These are the compile flags I have been using for compiling the static library for Linux.

GO_BUILD_LDFLAGS=-ldflags '-X main.Version=v$(VERSION) -X main.Commit=$(COMMIT) -X main.Date=$(DATE)' GO_BUILD_CGO_CFLAGS=CGO_ENABLED=1 CGO_CFLAGS="-DUSE_LIBSQLITE3" CPATH="$(VENDOR_SQLITE) -gcflags \"all=-N -l\""

riyaz-ali commented 9 months ago

Are you trying to embed this extension in another application?