We want to have two values.
"Total Connected Wallet Value" and "Total Value Across Monitored Addresses:
Rename the existing "Total Value to "Total Connected Wallet Value" - done
"Total Value Across Monitored Addresses" will be "Total Connected Wallet Value" + the sum of the monitored addresses so that the below will be seen as 9 RUNE
Add tooltips for the monitored/remove icons "Monitor this bond provider address" / "Stop monitoring this bond provider address"
Testing from Develop
Bonds Tab
We want to have two values. "Total Connected Wallet Value" and "Total Value Across Monitored Addresses: Rename the existing "Total Value to "Total Connected Wallet Value" - done "Total Value Across Monitored Addresses" will be "Total Connected Wallet Value" + the sum of the monitored addresses so that the below will be seen as 9 RUNE
Add tooltips for the monitored/remove icons "Monitor this bond provider address" / "Stop monitoring this bond provider address"