make a home page that lives in, and Home in hexdocs. Copy the from ash, and adjust to fit.
for each guide
reevaluate each guide against, moving it to the appropriate section, and reviewing its contents based on diataxis
find asides & other opportunities for admonition blocks, and make them admonition blocks
evaluate missing guides and opportunities for cookbooks, and put those in the documentation overhaul project
simplify the mix.exs docs config to use explicit paths for listing guides, regexes for grouping. Follow similar patterns as ash core for grouping guides (if necessary)
update GitHub repo description
update mix.exs description to be the same as the description in the GitHub repo
make a home page that lives in, and
in hexdocs. Copy the from ash, and adjust to fit.for each guide
evaluate missing guides and opportunities for cookbooks, and put those in the documentation overhaul project
simplify the
docs config to use explicit paths for listing guides, regexes for grouping. Follow similar patterns as ash core for grouping guides (if necessary)update GitHub repo description
update mix.exs description to be the same as the description in the GitHub repo
update tags
make sure website points to hexdocs