Closed jechol closed 5 months ago
We should return {:ok, changeset}
, not revert it. This change is only compatible with main
of ash
, where you won't receive the error you mentioned.
Would you want to PR the modification to {:ok, changeset}
? We will release this only after latest ash
is released.
I've pushed up a fix. Keep in mind you have to use ash
from main
as well to be able to use this atomically.
I have tried using it with the ash main branch, but there is an issue where a version is not being created for the destroy action as shown below.
@zachdaniel Could you check this?
1) test a new version is created on bulk_destroy (AshPaperTrailTest)
match (=) failed
The following variables were pinned:
post_id = "4e2ef14e-b9e7-4fa9-bda2-78f4335f3c76"
code: assert [
%{subject: "subject", body: "body", version_action_type: :create, version_source_id: ^post_id},
%{subject: "subject", body: "body", version_action_type: :destroy, version_source_id: ^post_id}
] =!(Posts.Post.Version, tenant: "acme") |> Enum.sort_by(& &1.version_inserted_at)
left: [
%{body: "body", subject: "subject", version_action_type: :create, version_source_id: ^post_id},
%{subject: "subject", body: "body", version_action_type: :destroy, version_source_id: ^post_id}
right: [
body: "body",
subject: "subject",
version_action_type: :create,
version_source_id: "4e2ef14e-b9e7-4fa9-bda2-78f4335f3c76",
__lateral_join_source__: nil,
__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded>,
__metadata__: %{selected: [:id, :version_action_type, :version_action_name, :tenant, :subject, :body, :version_source_id, :changes, :version_inserted_at, :version_updated_at, :user_id, :news_feed_id], tenant: "acme", keyset: "g2o="},
__order__: nil,
aggregates: %{},
calculations: %{},
changes: %{author: %{id: "2910b64e-57cf-49d2-98c6-fdd4f807c3b9", first_name: "John", last_name: "Doe"}, body: "body", tenant: "acme", subject: "subject", tags: [%{id: "1779b1ed-8722-416c-9821-dec5aafecf7f", tag: "ash"}, %{id: "2f86a331-5d7a-48ff-b778-27d509610bfb", tag: "phoenix"}], published: false},
id: "7674d024-4e5a-40f3-8998-eb5518c15332",
news_feed: #Ash.NotLoaded<:relationship, field: :news_feed>,
news_feed_id: nil,
tenant: "acme",
user: #Ash.NotLoaded<:relationship, field: :user>,
user_id: nil,
version_action_name: :create,
version_inserted_at: ~U[2024-06-27 01:32:59.382621Z],
version_source: #Ash.NotLoaded<:relationship, field: :version_source>,
version_updated_at: ~U[2024-06-27 01:32:59.382621Z]
test/ash_paper_trail_test.exs:436: (test)
Finished in 0.3 seconds (0.00s async, 0.3s sync)
17 tests, 1 failure, 16 excluded
understood, will fix the destroy behavior tomorrow.
This is pretty strange actually... do you have this issue when using ash_paper_trail
without the atomic change and ash
from main
? Or is it only when using main of ash_paper_trail
and main
of ash
This reverts commit 3e2a7b4458caed743c4c9fb803c27a962477da9a.
Although the existing modification should have been {:ok, change(changeset, opts, context)} instead of change(changeset, opts, context), even if we fix it that way, we are encountering the error {:error, "Cannot perform a changeset with after action hooks atomically"}, so it seems appropriate to revert it.
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