ash-project / igniter

A code generation and project patching framework.
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`Igniter.Project.Config.configures?/3` doesn't work in all general cases #51

Open ibarakaiev opened 1 month ago

ibarakaiev commented 1 month ago

Facing some issues with retrieving configuration in Igniter. Specifically, Igniter.Project.Config.configures?/3 seems to return :error where it shouldn't. I can make a PR for it to return false but I think there are a few more issues, outlined below.

There are two versions of Config.config/2,3, one that accepts just the root_key and opts and one that also accepts a given key for the root_key: Tbh I'm not entirely sure how they're different since one can achieve the same functionality with both:

config :my_app, [{Test, [hello: :world]}]
config :my_app, Test, hello: :world

I guess it's a convenience and a convention to only define configuration up to two nested levels deep. This means that Igniter.Project.Config.configures/3 needs to search for either Config.config/2 or Config.config/3. In principle, it is easy to assume that one needs to search for Config.config/2 if the provided config_path is a single element, and Config.config/3 when it has more than one element. But in reality Config.config/2 may be nested too (like in the example above), meaning that when there's more than one element, Config.configures/3 needs to search for both versions of the config. Right now what happens is Config.configures/3 searches for Config.config/3 when config_path is one element, and for Config.config/2 when config_path is more than one element. This seems incorrect, and at least in my case it doesn't quite work.

One additional complication that needs to be accounted for is that a certain key may be configured twice, like in the code examples in the official docs linked above. Therefore, a certain nested key may not be configured in the first Config.config/2,3 match but may be configured in a later one. So there needs to be some kind of a move_right() + recursion if there was no nested match in a given Config.config/2,3 match.

Finally, I found the function signature of Config.configures?/3 a bit tricky to reason about since the app_name is last in the list, whereas in config/2,3 it is first and is called root_key.

Considering the above, I wanted to propose the following change:

  1. Add Config.configures_root_key?(zipper, root_key) which will check if either config :my_app, _ or config :my_app, _, _ is present.
  2. Add Config.configures_key?(zipper, root_key, key) which will check if either config :my_app, key: _ or config :my_app, :key, _ is present.
  3. Add wrappers to pass a file instead of a zipper instead.
  4. Since nested functionality is not natively supported by Elixir (in the sense that only config/2 and config/3 are exposed and Application.get_env/3 takes only one atom), we don't recursively check for keys. That will be considered an advanced use case and should be manually handled with a Zipper when needed.
  5. Deprecate Config.configures?/3 in favor of the above.
zachdaniel commented 1 month ago

🤔 I think that the argument order there is weird, as you've said. However, the two functions you're proposing Config.configures_root_key?/2 and Config.configures_key?/3 don't fully cover the case. We use that frequently in Ash to check if some nested configuration is set.

I think that what we should really do is modify Config.configures?/3 to handle the additional cases you've identified.

There is a version of configures? that allows for providing the file currently.

  @spec configures?(Igniter.t(), file :: String.t(), list(atom), atom()) :: boolean()
  def configures?(igniter, file, path, app_name) do
    file_path = Path.join("config", file)

    igniter =
      Igniter.include_existing_elixir_file(igniter, file_path, required?: false)

    case Rewrite.source(igniter.rewrite, file_path) do
      {:ok, source} ->
        |> Rewrite.Source.get(:quoted)
        |> configures?(path, app_name)

      _ ->
zachdaniel commented 1 month ago

As for configuration's being listable twice, that is pretty tough. We basically need to start from the bottom and work our way up or recurse. It's not ideal. I think the idea of configuring a given value twice in the same scope can potentially be ignored for now?

ibarakaiev commented 1 month ago

Hm, found this reference and I get what you mean now: However, I do find the current implementation of configures?/3 accepting a list problematic because realistically the list shouldn't ever be more than two atoms long, should it? So really there are only two cases we need to account for, something like:

configures_key?(igniter, "config.exs", :otp_app, :key)
# or
configures_key?(igniter, "config.exs", :otp_app, Repo, :key)

We can modify the above proposal for configures_key? to have two arities then.

We basically need to start from the bottom and work our way up or recurse.

Or at the top and recurse down, since we don't need to know the actual value, just that it is set.

ibarakaiev commented 1 month ago

And if we ever want to check if just the root_key is configured (i.e. you need to check if config :sentry exists but don't care about its settings), then configures?/3 would need to accept an empty list.

zachdaniel commented 1 month ago

I don't think it's problematic, it a very standard pattern to have nested configuration in keyword lists and so we want to support that. Using the list to support it makes sense to me.

Accepting an empty list and/or adding a configures_app? (the first key of config should be an application name) would make sense though, as you are right there isn't currently a way to ask if just the top level configuration is set.

zachdaniel commented 1 month ago

And yeah we don't need to change anything for configures? in terms of going bottom-up/top down. It already finds any config in the file that matches the given arguments. The thing I was thinking of is if you had the ability to ask what a specific value is configured to, you'd need to start at the bottom and go up, so as to get the last one specified in the file. But we don't have that feature so it doesn't really matter :)

ibarakaiev commented 1 month ago

Will send a PR shortly :)