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Issues with #33

Open juliasheth opened 5 years ago

juliasheth commented 5 years ago
  1. Unable to import ‘cv2’ (import-error): Issue was found in line 3. For some reason, the file cannot find the cv2 module.

  2. No name 'pyqtSignal' in module 'PyQt5.QtCore' (no-name-in-module): Issue was found in line 5. Line 5 says “from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal” and this error is saying that pyqtSignal does not exist within the PyQt5.QtCore module.

  3. No name 'QThread' in module 'PyQt5.QtCore' (no-name-in-module): Issue was found in line 6. Line 6 says “from PyQt5.QtCore import QThread” and this error is saying that QThread does not exist within the PyQt5.QtCore module.

  4. Unused variable 'ret' (unused-variable): Issue was found in line 22. The variable ret is created in this line, but never used throughout the rest of the file.

  5. No exception type(s) specified (bare-except): Issue was found in line 70. This issue came up because there is a try, except statement where the except statement does not specify the exception type that it is looking for. By not specifying the exception type, other errors that were not supposed to be hidden could be hidden and the programmer loses information about the error itself.

  6. Attribute 'emotionThread' defined outside init (attribute-defined-outside-init): Issue was found in line 58. This issue came up because the emotionThread attribute of the BuddingEmotion class was defined outside of its constructor. This could be fixed by moving the definition of emotionThread to the init method within the BuddingEmotion class.