ashald / EnvFile

EnvFile 3.x is a plugin for JetBrains IDEs that allows you to set environment variables for your run configurations from one or multiple files.
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Direnv support (and quite a few library/platform version updates) #173

Closed cmmoran closed 1 year ago

cmmoran commented 2 years ago

Added Direnv support.

Updated product versions, library versions, gradle version, etc.

Note: I understand that these updates may not be in line with your goals For example, I've changed the JDK language level from 1.8 to 11 to be in line with targetting newer Jetbrains products.

Of course, this creates a Hydra: a project with multiple heads to support multiple version classes of product; pre and post 2020.3 versions.

Upgrading the JDK means that the gradle version needed bumping. This means that many build files needed tweaking. Whenever this kind of change happens, all kinds of issues arise. It was quite a spectacle. The effect was that many files needed changing. It was quite the rabbit hole. I said many naughty words in my head along the way.

I'm still working on this on and off (as time permits). I have not gone through all of the tests to ensure parity. (I plan to) Nor have I added the full suite of tests for my Direnv support. (I plan to).

I just wanted to get some eyeballs on it to see if there was any interest in Direnv support from within your plugin. For my purposes, it worked fine. If there's no interest, I have no problem creating "yet another .env-esque plugin" thus polluting the Jetbrains Marketplace further. :)

Note: I also apologize for the formatting. I use google-java-format because formatting should be opinionated and "no one else's" opinion should matter. ;)

I'm so used to using google-java-format that I didn't think to check for a style-guide, etc in this project.

Also, I just noticed that someone else added direnv support. In all honesty, it wasn't there when I started working on this. If there's something useful in this PR, feel free to cannibalize.

kelleyrw commented 2 years ago

any chance we can get this merged/released?

ashald commented 1 year ago

I won't merge this PR as it's right now - too many changes, so I cannot understand which are relevant and which are not. Please update the PR to narrow it down to direnv, and break up the rest of the changes into separate PRs.

ashald commented 1 year ago

Closing due to inactivity.