ashald / EnvFile

EnvFile 3.x is a plugin for JetBrains IDEs that allows you to set environment variables for your run configurations from one or multiple files.
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Why the command line used to extract information for the export isn't executed? #192

Closed acarlstein closed 1 year ago

acarlstein commented 1 year ago


First, thank you for taking a look into the current issue I created. Much appreciated.

I need some environment variables, which are required for the Spring Boot app to run, which values are obtained from the Secret Manager in GCP.


Normally, if I do the following, it works:

1) I create a file with the exports (i.e.: .envs):

export EVENTHUB_ACCESS_KEY=$(gcloud secrets versions access 1 --secret eventhub-eastus-account-key)

2) I run the command `source .envs'

3) I run the command env and I can see that the gcloud command was executed.


However, this isn't the case with IntelliJ and EnvFile.

In IntelliJ, If I add the export here:



Then, the gcloud command isn't executed.

In EnvFile, If I add the following to the .env file, per the instructions, and set this as:




Then, it does the same thing.

Acceptance Criteria

I would like to be able to add the line below, into the .env file, and have the gcloud command executed:

EVENTHUB_ACCESS_KEY=$(gcloud secrets versions access 1 --secret eventhub-eastus-account-key)

So, when I run the Spring Boot in IntelliJ, I can see the environment variable (or see the values via adding a breakpoint) with this code example:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
    val env = System.getenv()
    env.forEach { (k, v) -> log.debug("$k:$v") }
ashald commented 1 year ago

If you look carefully, you'd notice that UI shows curly braces and you use round braces. :) That is to say that EnvFile emulates bash-like interpolation, but does not actually execute commands within $(...). That being said, as of last release when you specify a file, you can mark it as executable and this way EnvFile will run it and interpret stdout as .env or JSON/YAML depending on your settings. You can create a file that would execute gcloud and output the env vars, and run that file with EnvFile to get them into your run configuration.