ashald / EnvFile

EnvFile 3.x is a plugin for JetBrains IDEs that allows you to set environment variables for your run configurations from one or multiple files.
MIT License
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.env syntax highlight support / PHPStorm support #26

Open ssipos90 opened 7 years ago

ssipos90 commented 7 years ago


Do you plan on including support for PHPStorm? It would be nice.


ashald commented 7 years ago

What run configurations you would like to be supported in PHPStorm?

JackWH commented 7 years ago

I don't personally use run configurations within PhpStorm, but it'd just be great to have syntax highlighting available in .env files.

vlucas/phpdotenv is used in several big PHP frameworks (e.g. Laravel).

ashald commented 7 years ago

This plugin doesn't provide syntax highlight for .env files. Yet. Although that's a nice idea and I'lll see whether it's something that can be added.

ssipos90 commented 7 years ago

@Ashald, the plugin doesn't work on PHPStorm. I have two use cases, one using Behat for PHPStorm to run acceptance testing and I've wrote a php wrapper to call behat, but that lead to all sorts of issues. At this point, i have a small sh that sources my .env file and executes the behat through CLI.

ashald commented 7 years ago

So if I U understand you right you looking for Behat run configuration support in PhpStorm? OK, I'll take a look!

natebrunette commented 7 years ago


Would be nice!

alex-kovalchuk commented 6 years ago


2018-08-20 23 12 34


adelf commented 6 years ago

@alex-kovalchuk .env syntax != .ini syntax You can install .env files support plugin. It has syntax highlighting starting from 0.7 version.