If you want to print what the program is doing in such methods you should not use Console.WriteLine() but either separate into two methods (one for ui and one for logic)
or you should use the debug from Diagnostics: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.diagnostics.debug.writeline?view=net-8.0
This way the output is not meant for the user, but only for internal tracking what your code do
https://github.com/asharif123/quiz_maker/blob/69cbcee1fc86a177f7c0a486773e2b849f95697c/UIMethods.cs#L151-L156 Methods that dont interact with the user should be located in your logic class.
If you want to print what the program is doing in such methods you should not use
but either separate into two methods (one for ui and one for logic) or you should use the debug from Diagnostics: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.diagnostics.debug.writeline?view=net-8.0 This way the output is not meant for the user, but only for internal tracking what your code do