ashawkey / nerf2mesh

[ICCV2023] Delicate Textured Mesh Recovery from NeRF via Adaptive Surface Refinement
MIT License
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installation problem #87

Open ZepSbosnia opened 10 months ago

ZepSbosnia commented 10 months ago

Hi, thank you for your work! I'd like to test it but I'm struggling to accomplish the installation steps... I'm keeping fall in error launching pip install git+ I've tried the installation whit different docker (changin version of cuda and torch) but without results.. I cannot neither find docker with the suggested version reported ( torch 1.12 & CUDA 11.6). Can u please provide me some hint or link some docker to install succesfully the code ??

henrytriplette commented 9 months ago

I've managed to install the repo under windows using Anaconda.

conda create -n nerf2mesh python=3.10
conda activate nerf2mesh
conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 torchaudio==0.12.1 cudatoolkit=11.6 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
conda install pytorch-scatter -c pyg
JQJ001 commented 9 months ago

I installed it this way,

git clone --recursive
tiny-cuda-nn$ cd bindings/torch
tiny-cuda-nn/bindings/torch$ python install

but I got an error.

Fortunately, according to the suggestion in, I have managed to install the repo under ubuntu.

I hope my answer is helpful to you.