ashbb / green_shoes

Green Shoes is one of the colorful Shoes written in pure Ruby.
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manual error... #22

Closed serialhex closed 13 years ago

serialhex commented 13 years ago

in the green shoes manual you have:

_snip_ Now, in your blank window, type in the following: do background "#DFA" para "Welcome to Shoes" end

Save to your desktop as welcome.rb. _snip_

and you tell us to run it. well, disfortunately this code dosnt work out of the box (at least for me anyway) and i needed to add a

require 'green_shoes'

line to my code. it would be truly spiffy if this wasn't a requirement, but i don't think that it's (realistically) possible without potentially breaking lots of things. if it is supposed to do that, then it doesn't work on ruby 1.9.2 p180 with the latest green_shoes (i just installed it) running on opensuse 11.4 (at least that's what i'm working with).

i haven't played with it much more than that, but i'm glad to see the fully ruby-based version of shoes is doing well!! :D keep up the good work!! hex

ashbb commented 13 years ago

Hi Hex,

Oh, you are right! Good suggestion, thanks. :)

I'm going to add require 'green_shoes' into the sample snippet on built-in manual.

So, can I ask you a favor?
I don't have an English notepad. Could you take this snapshot with require 'green_shoes' ?

I'd also like to replace the above snapshot.


serialhex commented 13 years ago


it's your lucky day! i'm at work and i'm on windows 7, so i can provide such a snapshot. (if you want one without the spiffy win7 gui i can provide that too) heres the link:

if that link dosnt work, let me know and i'll find your email address and send it direct.

take care! hex

ashbb commented 13 years ago

I'll update with your snapshot asap. Thanks!

serialhex commented 13 years ago

...i dont think this needs to be open anymore... closing!

ashbb commented 13 years ago

Updated to 0.199.0. Thanks!