ashbb / green_shoes

Green Shoes is one of the colorful Shoes written in pure Ruby.
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GTK+ TreeView #33

Open njwhite opened 13 years ago

njwhite commented 13 years ago

I'd really like a data-grid-viewer widget in shoes. I've seen the sample that uses GTK::TreeView and would really like it to be formally added to the green shoes API (and made as easy to use as the rest of the API :). is this something you'd consider?

ashbb commented 13 years ago

Hi njwhite,

Thank you for the good comment. :)

I think there are two things we need to consider.

The 1st is UI. As same as other Shoes methods, I'd like to reduce options that user must set up.

The 2nd is that I'd like to use a TreeView within a slot (stack or flow). But for now, it's difficult. We have to open an independent Green Shoes window. GTK2 has many Layout Containers, but I don't find the way to use them within a window freely. Need to study more and more. :)

If you are interesting to discuss about this topics, feel free to post into Shoes ML.

Cheers, ashbb

knoopx commented 12 years ago

We really need simplified TreeView implementation. I'm a complete noob on GTK but I can help with the ruby-DSL

ashbb commented 12 years ago

Hi knoopx,

Thank you for your interest in TreeView. We are discussing about that in Shoes ML. If you have an idea or something, feel free to join a discussion. ;-)

Cheers, ashbb