ashchan / gmail-notifr

A MacRuby Gmail Notifier for Mac OS X
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HTTP Proxy Authentication will cause 100% CPU Usage #21

Closed hozaka closed 11 years ago

hozaka commented 13 years ago

Hey buddy -

I have a .PAC file for internet connections, and * is routed to a http proxy which requires HTTP basic authentication.

If i've never enter the proxy login & password anywhere before ( for example, right after a restart ), it will keep connecting without any prompt or error. That causes my cpu overloaded.

Please check it out.

BR Jerry

ashchan commented 13 years ago

It seems if the connection is slow or like your case, it keeps trying and causes cpu overload.

Wondering if adding proxy support (so the app respects the system configuration) would help us solve this problem.

ashchan commented 11 years ago

Proxy support is still in future plan, but moved to the new obje-c repo.