Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 9 years ago
Hi there,
as already announced in the mailing-list i would like to suggest another
iconset that is based on the OWASP icon in combination with the raygun. I would
like to thank Simon Egli for his incredible work on the icons. Thanks!!!
What do you think of the icons? Personally i like owasp_logo_02.png the best ;)
Original comment by
on 5 Apr 2011 at 4:49
I think these images are great, and are going in a really good direction.
Only problem is ... we really also need ones that are 48x48 for the main icon
and 16x16 for the minimized one. Those are the ones which people will see on
their desktops.
As you can see even at 48x48 the raygun doesnt stand out enough, but I'm sure
it can be tweaked to look great at this size. Just probably not by me ;)
For the 16x16 one maybe the gun on its own without the circle?
Keep playing with them folks, I think we're well on the way to the new icons :)
Original comment by
on 5 Apr 2011 at 8:41
Colouring the gun seems to help a bit, at least at 48x48.
Please keep posting alternatives and we'll see which ones work best...
Original comment by
on 6 Apr 2011 at 6:02
I see, the discussion is in progress - great ;-)
I agree, taking the background from OWASP is a good idea.
And as psiinon mention, we should use ray gun filled with color,
because it's increasing the contrast, which we need especially for small icons.
Technically I want to point out, that we need the icon in at least 4 sizes:
16x16, 32x32, 48x48 and 64x64. Each one with 256 colors and true color.
This is needed to cover the majority of operating systems.
I can assist in assembling them together with GIMP to produce a correct .ICO
Additionally we can use these icons (different sizes) in ZAP,
So the JRE will choose the best fitting icon for the current OS.
Last but not least, I still prefer .SVG source ;-)
My current favorites:
owasp_logo_01b and owasp_logo_01d
Original comment by
on 10 Apr 2011 at 2:38
we are not the only ones ...
Original comment by
on 18 Apr 2011 at 8:05
[deleted comment]
Hi guys,
Simon Egli just gave me a new logo file. I had some discussion with him about
the perceptibility of the ray gun when having a very small icon size. We came
to the result that it is almost impossible to keep the ray gun within the icon
if we do not want to have a single unified icon for all sizes. Therefore, he
designed a new logo that can be transformed to any size.
I really love the cleanliness of this new icon.
Thanks Simon Egli!
Original comment by a.c.neumann
on 11 May 2011 at 6:48
Hey, nice 'Z'.
Just a small question, is there a .SVG version available?
Original comment by
on 11 May 2011 at 6:16
Yep, its a nice Zed.
But I still like the ray gun :(
I think its a much stronger image and identity. A 'Z' doesnt say anything to me
- it could stand for anything.
And I dont have a problem with a different image for the 16x16 icon as per the
one I knocked up - I think thats still clearly a ray gun (and would be clearer
if someone like Simon Egli did it properly ;)
Or we could stick to the ray gun without the OWASP background circle?
Or if people really think it doesnt work, how about another lightning bolt in
the OWASP circle?
What does everyone else think?
Original comment by
on 12 May 2011 at 6:25
Yes, ray gun icon would be a more unique to ZAP.
I disagree, that for the 16x16 using a different icon.
BUT I agree using for the smallest size a simplified version.
For example, when choosing the ray gun with OWASP background,
the simplified version could be only the ray gun but not the background.
Somehow in this direction, a more complex icon which is fine for icons
from size 32x32 an bigger, could be simplified for better awareness in 16x16
Psiinon, what about a survey on this topic?
Original comment by
on 12 May 2011 at 7:52
See attached for a mock up of the old icon and a hacked version of the ray gun.
I think its still identifiable as a ray gun.
What do you all think?
I _could_ set up a survey, but the last one took quite a while to get any input.
If we (the ZAP devs) can come to an agreement then I think thats what we should
go with.
We can always stick with the current lightning bolt, but I'm hoping we can come
up with something better, especially with Simon Egli's graphical skills.
Original comment by
on 15 May 2011 at 7:39
Actually the screenshot I've uploaded looks worse that it does in practice.
I've attached the icon so you can try it for yourselves, or maybe even improve
it?? ;)
I just changed
private void initialize() {
// ZAP: Rebrand
// this.setIconImage(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(getClass().getResource("/resource/zap48x48.png")));
// ZAP: new icon test
List<Image> icons = new ArrayList<Image>();
this.setIconImages(icons );
Original comment by
on 15 May 2011 at 7:44
I still vote for the Z icon. But i alos like the idea of the flash instead of
the Z... I don't know if Simon Egli is able to create such an icon before the
beginning of June...
Original comment by a.c.neumann
on 15 May 2011 at 8:35
Another variant on the raygun attached, this time on top of the owasp circle
rather than inside it. I'm sure someone else will be able to do that better
than me ;)
Axel - can you post your original raygun image here, the old links dont seem to
work anymore. And has anyone got a blank owasp circle they can post?
Original comment by
on 17 May 2011 at 6:35
And I've just realised why I'm not keen on the idea of using a 'Z' (as opposed
to not liking the icon, which is good).
I _never_ refer to the tool as just 'Zed' - I either use the 'formal name' of
"(OWASP) Zed Attack Proxy" or (most of the time) I just call it ZAP.
I actually called it ZAP well before I came up with the 'backronym' ;)
I think ZAP is a good name for the tool - its short, snappy, and there arent
any other (major) products with the sane name.
You can also talk about ZAPing a web app, or ZAPing the OWASP top ten (which I
'Zeding' something just doesnt have the same ring ;)
So I'd like an icon that emphasises the ZAPness (raygun, lightning,
electricity) rather than something based on the letter 'Z'.
Original comment by
on 17 May 2011 at 8:11
Now i am completely confused. I always thought that the original name is OWASP
Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP), which is what can be found on the projects page... What
does Zed stand for?
Seems to be one of the biggest problems for us to find an icon/logo that fits
everybody's savour :(
I will ask Simon Egli for providing the blank OWASP icon, but i don't think
that he will be able to do any further work as he is currently busy with
marriage preparations.
Original comment by a.c.neumann
on 17 May 2011 at 2:49
Zed doesnt stand for anything :)
I called the tool ZAP well before I released it.
I then decided maybe ZAP should stand for something, and the A and P were
fairly easy to come up with words for. Couldnt think of anything for the Z, but
I didnt like the idea of it becoming known as the Zee Attack Proxy (sorry
Americans), hence the Zed.
Its not a big problem if we cant agree on a new icon - the existing one will do.
But if we can agree on a better one then I'd be happy :)
And I dont have the final say - if everyone else really likes one that I'm not
so keen on and I cant persuade you all otherwise then I can be overruled;)
Original comment by
on 17 May 2011 at 3:01
Actually, it wasn't my intension to sound alike complaining about others ideas
and thoughts. Sorry! I also do not mind when being overruled ;)
I've created some new icons. So we have something new to talk about ;)
Original comment by a.c.neumann
on 17 May 2011 at 8:38
Images with such a flash inside (see Axel's comment #18) reminds me a little
bit about Flash Gordon. Please don't hit me for that ;-)
Original comment by
on 17 May 2011 at 8:56
I really like them - they get my vote :)
Any one else in favor of making these the new icons?
Or anyone against??
Original comment by
on 30 May 2011 at 7:59
Of course they have my vote as well ;)
Original comment by
on 30 May 2011 at 8:02
I prefer the white Z on blue over the white flash on blue.
Original comment by
on 30 May 2011 at 8:09
And it was all going so well ;)
I like the Z icon, but as I mentioned before I'd like to emphasize the ZAP part
rather than the Zed part.
Heres a simple voting page on the wiki: if
you care what the new ZAP icon should look like update this page with you vote
- and let me know if you cant edit that page.
Dont know if it will help, but its worth a try
Original comment by
on 30 May 2011 at 8:22
Original comment by
on 6 Jun 2011 at 8:26
Fixed in release 1.3.0
Original comment by
on 7 Jun 2011 at 5:19
Original issue reported on by
on 3 Apr 2011 at 12:06Attachments: