ashfurrow / ARCollectionViewMasonryLayout

MIT License
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Add support for sticky headers #27

Closed orta closed 8 years ago

orta commented 8 years ago

Adds the ability to attach sticky headers to the top of a collectionview, this sits underneath the header. Will comment inline

ashfurrow commented 8 years ago

I'll take a look now – the CI failure seems to be from using CocoaPods 0.39 instead of 1.0.0. Might make sense to add a Gemfile to this repo instead of this hack I added before I knew better :see_no_evil:

ashfurrow commented 8 years ago

Well done – I quite like this! Looks good to merge once CI passes.

ashfurrow commented 8 years ago

Are frameworks on by default now in CocoaPods 1.0? The following CI error:

set -o pipefail && xcodebuild -workspace ARCollectionViewMasonryLayout.xcworkspace -scheme Demo -configuration Debug test -sdk iphonesimulator -destination platform='iOS Simulator',OS='7.1',name='iPhone 4s'| xcpretty -c --test
Testing failed:
    Test target IntegrationTests encountered an error (Test process crashed)

Looks related to running frameworks with iOS 7. Updating our test script should fix.

ashfurrow commented 8 years ago

Added to try and fix the CI.

ashfurrow commented 8 years ago

Okie doke, since the only think I changed was a 7 to an 8, I think this is OK to merge as-is.