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Why Tech Needs Feminism #102

Closed ashfurrow closed 8 years ago

ashfurrow commented 9 years ago

Talked to someone during WWDC who asked – earnestly – why it's important to increase the number of women in tech. Big question! I explained the two points that sprang to mind:

I promised myself that I'd follow-up by finding an article to share but I haven't yet. Need to do that.

Additionally, this thread is a really good and germane read. Explains the history of the programming industry; that women were the first programmers and/because the job seemed easy, then it became profitable, and society reframed the job to be difficult, so it must be for men, and subsequently is paid more. We're still seeing the same stereotypes play out today.


This is mind-boggling.

We're hurting ourselves a number of ways:

Just generally a terrible system. And what's so frustrating is, as alicemazzy pointed out, it wasn't always this way. This isn't a hunter/gatherer dichotomy – this is something that society and the tech industry did in the eighties. It's a conscious decision to discriminate. It hurts women, it hurts society, and it hurts business.

Clean this up, expand some points, trim others, and link to alicemazzy's tweets. Find more supporting evidence and resources for further reading, then publish.

ashfurrow commented 8 years ago

I don't think I add much value to this conversation.