Open aagouda opened 5 years ago
Jazakallah. InshaAllah I will check and try to add these methods.
// // AKPrayerTime.swift // PrayerKit // // Created by Ashik Ahmad on 4/15/15. // Copyright (c) 2015 WNeeds. All rights reserved. //
import UIKit
public final class AKPrayerTime {
wraps double time into a formal namespace
along with basic functionalities
public struct Time {
public let duration: Double
public init(hours: Int, minutes: Int) {
let fixedHours = Time.fixedHours(Double(hours))
self.duration = fixedHours + Double(minutes) / 60.0
public init(duration: Double) {
var ttime = duration + 0.5 / 60.0 // add 0.5 minutes to round
ttime = Time.fixedHours(ttime)
self.duration = ttime
private static func fixedHours(_ hours: Double) -> Double {
return DMath.wrap(hours, min: 0, max: 24)
public var hours: Int {
guard !duration.isNaN else {return 20}
return Int(floor(duration))
public var minutes: Int {
guard !duration.isNaN else {return 20}
return Int(floor((duration - Double(hours)) * 60.0))
public struct Coordinate {
public var latitude: Double
public var longitude: Double
public var elevation: Double
public init(lat: Double, lng: Double, elv: Double = 0) {
latitude = lat
longitude = lng
elevation = elv
public enum TimeNames : String, CaseIterable {
case imsak
case fajr
case sunrise
case dhuhr
case asr
case sunset
case maghrib
case isha
case midnight
case qiyam
public func toString()->String {
return self.rawValue.capitalized
///////////////////////////////////////// END Types.swift//////////////////
public enum CalculationMethod {
/// Muslim World League
case mwl
/// Islamic Society of North America
case isna
/// Egyptian General Authority of Survey
case egypt
/// Umm al-Qura University, Makkah
case makkah
/// University of Islamic Science, Karachi
case karachi
/// Institute of Geophysics, University of Tehran
case tehran
/// Shia Ithna Ashari, Leva Research Institute, Qum
case jafari
/// Algerian Minister of Religious Affairs and Wakfs
case algeria
/// Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı
case diyanet
/// Egyptian General Authority (Bis)
case egyptBis
/// Fixed Isha Angle Interval
case fixedIsha
/// France UOIF - Angle 12°
case uoif
/// France - Angle 15°
case fr15
/// Fr18=France - Angle 18°
case fr18
/// JAKIM (Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia)
case jakim
/// MUIS (Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura)
case muis
/// SIHAT/KEMENAG (Kementerian Agama RI)
case kemenag
/// Tunisian Ministry of Religious Affairs
case tunisia
/// UAE General Authority of Islamic Affairs And Endowments
case awqafuae
/// London Unified Islamic Prayer Timetable // case uiptl
/// Custom, these can be changed as user sets.
case custom
public enum JuristicMethod: Int {
/// Shafi'i, Maliki, Ja'fari, and Hanbali
case shafii = 1
/// Hanafi
case hanafi = 2
func toInt()->Int { return self.rawValue }
var shadowCoefficient: Int { return self.rawValue }
public enum MidnightMethod: Int { case standard case jafari }
public enum HigherLatutudeAdjustment: String { case none case midNight case oneSeventh case angleBased
func toIndex() -> Int {
switch self {
case .none: return 0
case .midNight: return 1
case .oneSeventh: return 2
case .angleBased: return 3
public enum AnglesOrMinutes { case angles(Double) case minutes(Double) }
struct MethodParams { var fajrAngle: Double var maghrib: AnglesOrMinutes var isha: AnglesOrMinutes var midnight: MidnightMethod }
fileprivate enum Defaults { static let calendar = Calendar(identifier: .gregorian) static let componentsDMY = Set([Calendar.Component.year, Calendar.Component.month,])
static let dayTimes: [TimeNames: Double] = [
.imsak : 5.0,
.fajr : 5.0,
.sunrise : 6.0,
.dhuhr : 12.0,
.asr : 13.0,
.sunset : 18.0,
.maghrib : 18.0,
.isha : 18.0
Required parameters for calculation methods.
None but the `.Custom` parameters should be changed where appropriate.
Mostly, you should not be touching is directly. Use set** methods instead
as appropriate.
static var methodParams: [CalculationMethod: MethodParams] = [
.mwl: MethodParams(
fajrAngle: 18,
maghrib: .minutes(0),
isha: .angles(17),
midnight: .standard),
.isna: MethodParams(
fajrAngle: 15,
maghrib: .minutes(0),
isha: .angles(15),
midnight: .standard),
.egypt: MethodParams(
fajrAngle: 19.5,
maghrib: .minutes(0),
isha: .angles(17.5),
midnight: .standard),
// fajrAngle was 19 degrees before 1430 hijri
.makkah: MethodParams(
fajrAngle: 18.5,
maghrib: .minutes(0),
isha: .minutes(90),
midnight: .standard),
.karachi: MethodParams(
fajrAngle: 18,
maghrib: .minutes(0),
isha: .angles(18),
midnight: .standard),
.tehran: MethodParams(
fajrAngle: 17.7,
maghrib: .angles(4.5),
isha: .angles(14),
midnight: .jafari),
.jafari: MethodParams(
fajrAngle: 16,
maghrib: .angles(4),
isha: .angles(14),
midnight: .jafari),
.algeria: MethodParams(
fajrAngle: 18,
maghrib: .minutes(0),
isha: .angles(17),
midnight: .standard),
.diyanet: MethodParams(
fajrAngle: 18,
maghrib: .minutes(0),
isha: .angles(17),
midnight: .standard),
.egyptBis: MethodParams(
fajrAngle: 20,
maghrib: .minutes(0),
isha: .angles(18),
midnight: .standard),
.fixedIsha: MethodParams(
fajrAngle: 19.5,
maghrib: .minutes(0),
isha: .minutes(90),
midnight: .standard),
.uoif: MethodParams(
fajrAngle: 12,
maghrib: .minutes(0),
isha: .angles(12),
midnight: .standard),
.fr15: MethodParams(
fajrAngle: 15,
maghrib: .minutes(0),
isha: .angles(15),
midnight: .standard),
.fr18: MethodParams(
fajrAngle: 18,
maghrib: .minutes(0),
isha: .angles(18),
midnight: .standard),
.jakim: MethodParams(
fajrAngle: 20,
maghrib: .minutes(0),
isha: .angles(18),
midnight: .standard),
.muis: MethodParams(
fajrAngle: 20,
maghrib: .minutes(0),
isha: .angles(18),
midnight: .standard),
.kemenag: MethodParams(
fajrAngle: 20,
maghrib: .minutes(0),
isha: .angles(18),
midnight: .standard),
.tunisia: MethodParams(
fajrAngle: 18,
maghrib: .minutes(0),
isha: .angles(18),
midnight: .standard),
.awqafuae: MethodParams(
fajrAngle: 19.5,
maghrib: .minutes(0),
isha: .minutes(90),
midnight: .standard),
// .uiptl: MethodParams( // fajrAngle: 18, // maghrib: .minutes(0), // isha: .angles(18), // midnight: .standard), // .custom: MethodParams( fajrAngle: 18, maghrib: .minutes(0), isha: .angles(17), midnight: .standard) ] }
//------------------------------------------------------ // MARK: - Technical Settings //------------------------------------------------------
/// number of iterations needed to compute times var numIterations:Int = 2
//------------------------------------------------------ // MARK: - Properties //------------------------------------------------------
public var offsets:[TimeNames: Double] = [ .imsak : 0, .fajr : 0, .sunrise : 0, .dhuhr : 0, .asr : 0, .sunset : 0, .maghrib : 0, .isha : 0, .midnight: 0, .qiyam : 0 ];
func setAllOffsets(_ offset: Double) { let offset = offset * 60 offsets = [.imsak: offset, .fajr: offset + SettingsManager.shared.singleOffset("Fajr"), .sunrise: offset + SettingsManager.shared.singleOffset("Sunrise"), .dhuhr: offset + SettingsManager.shared.singleOffset("Dhuhr"), .asr: offset + SettingsManager.shared.singleOffset("Asr"), .sunset: offset, .maghrib: offset + SettingsManager.shared.singleOffset("Maghrib"), .isha: offset + SettingsManager.shared.singleOffset("Isha"), .midnight: offset, .qiyam: offset] }
/// Once 'computePrayerTimes' is called, /// computed values are stored here for reuse public var currentPrayerTimes:[TimeNames: Time]?
/// Prayer calculation methods.
/// See CalculationMethod
enums for more details
public var calculationMethod = CalculationMethod.mwl
/// Asr method, Shafii
or Hanafii
public var asrJuristic = JuristicMethod.shafii
/// Adjustment options for Higher Latitude
public var highLatitudeAdjustment = HigherLatutudeAdjustment.midNight
/// Prayer time output format.
// public var outputFormat = OutputTimeFormat.time24
public var imsakSettings: AnglesOrMinutes = .minutes(10)
// Not sure if it should be replaced by offsets[.Dhuhr] public var dhuhrMinutes: Float = 0
/// Coordinate of the place, times will be calculated for. public var coordinate: Coordinate! { didSet { calculateJulianDate() } }
/// Timezone of the place, times will be calculated for. public var timeZone:Float = AKPrayerTime.systemTimeZone()
/// Date for which prayer times will be calculated. /// Defaults to today, when not set. public var calcDate:Date! { didSet { calculateJulianDate() } }
private lazy var jDate:Double = AKPrayerTime.julianDate(from: Date())
//------------------------------------------------------ // MARK: - Constructor //------------------------------------------------------
public init(lat:Double, lng:Double){ coordinate = Coordinate(lat: lat, lng: lng) calcDate = Date() }
//------------------------------------------------------ // MARK: - Utility Methods (Type Methods) //------------------------------------------------------
class func systemTimeZone()->Float { // print(TimeZone(secondsFromGMT: SettingsManager.shared.timeZoneSeconds)?.abbreviation()) // let timeZone = TimeZone(secondsFromGMT: SettingsManager.shared.timeZoneSeconds) ?? TimeZone.current // return Float(timeZone.secondsFromGMT())/3600.0 return Float(SettingsManager.shared.timeZoneSeconds)/3600.0 }
class func dayLightSavingOffset()->Double { let timeZone = TimeZone(secondsFromGMT: SettingsManager.shared.timeZoneSeconds) ?? TimeZone.current return Double(timeZone.daylightSavingTimeOffset(for: Date())) }
/// Sunrise/sunset angle with elevation adjustment private func riseSetAngle() -> Double { // let earthRad: Double = 6371009; // in meters // let angle = DMath.dArcCos(earthRad/(earthRad + coordinate.elevation)); let angle = 0.0347 * sqrt(coordinate.elevation); // an approximation return 0.833 + angle; }
//------------------------------------------------------ // MARK: - Public Methods: Get prayer times //------------------------------------------------------
/// Return prayer times for a given date, latitude, longitude and timeZone public func getDatePrayerTimes(year: Int, month: Int, day: Int, latitude: Double, longitude: Double, tZone: Float)-> [TimeNames: Time] {
coordinate = Coordinate(lat: latitude, lng: longitude)
var comp = DateComponents()
comp.year = year
comp.month = month = day
calcDate = comp)
timeZone = tZone
// This may not be necessary
jDate = AKPrayerTime.julianDate(year: year, month: month, day: day)
let lonDiff = longitude / (15.0 * 24.0)
jDate = jDate - lonDiff;
return computeDayTimes()
/// Returns prayer times for a date(or today) when everything is set public func getPrayerTimes()->[TimeNames: Time]? { // If coordinate is not set, cannot obtain prayer times if coordinate == nil { return nil }
// If date is not set, set today as calcDate
if calcDate == nil {
calcDate = Date()
// jDate should be autometically set already
return computeDayTimes()
public func sorted(_ t: [TimeNames: Time]) -> [(TimeNames, Time)] { let seq: [AKPrayerTime.TimeNames] = [.imsak, .fajr, .sunrise, .dhuhr, .asr, .sunset, .maghrib, .isha, .midnight, .qiyam] return t.sorted {a,b in (seq.firstIndex(of: a.key) ?? 0) < (seq.firstIndex(of: b.key) ?? 0) } }
//------------------------------------------------------ // MARK: - Public Methods: Configurations //------------------------------------------------------
/// Set custom values for calculation parameters private func setCustomParams(_ changes: (inout MethodParams)->Void) { guard let mp = Defaults.methodParams[calculationMethod] else { return } var params = mp changes(¶ms) //Defaults.methodParams[.custom] = params calculationMethod = .custom }
/// Set the angle for calculating Fajr public func setFajrAngle(angle: Double) { setCustomParams { $0.fajrAngle = angle } }
/// Set the angle for calculating Maghrib public func setMaghribAngle(angle: Double) { setCustomParams { $0.maghrib = .angles(angle) } }
/// Set the angle for calculating Isha public func setIshaAngle(angle: Double) { setCustomParams { $0.isha = .angles(angle) } }
/// Set the minutes after Sunset for calculating Maghrib public func setMaghribMinutes(minutes: Double) { setCustomParams { $0.maghrib = .minutes(minutes) } }
/// Set the minutes after Maghrib for calculating Isha public func setIshaMinutes(minutes: Double) { setCustomParams { $0.isha = .minutes(minutes) } }
public func setMidnightMethod(_ method: MidnightMethod) { setCustomParams { $0.midnight = method } }
// MARK: - Julian Date Calculation
private func calculateJulianDate() {
if let date = calcDate, let latlng = coordinate {
let jdt = AKPrayerTime.julianDate(from: date)
jDate = jdt - (latlng.longitude / (15.0 * 24.0))
private class func julianDate(from date:Date)->Double {
let components = Defaults.calendar.dateComponents(Defaults.componentsDMY, from: Date())
return julianDate(year: components.year ?? 0,
month: components.month ?? 0,
day: ?? 0)
private class func julianDate(year:Int, month:Int, day:Int)->Double {
var yyear = year, mmonth = month, dday = day
if mmonth < 2 {
yyear -= 1
mmonth += 12
let A = floor(Double(yyear)/100.0)
let B = 2.0 - A + floor(A/4.0)
return floor(365.25 * (Double(yyear) + 4716.0))
+ floor(30.6001 * (Double(mmonth) + 1.0))
+ Double(dday) + B - 1524.5
//------------------------------------------------------ // MARK: - Calculation Functions //------------------------------------------------------
// References: //
/** Compute declination angle of sun and equation of time
Returns: Tuple of (Declination of sun, Equation of time) as (Double, Double) / private func sunPosition(_ jd:Double)->(Double, Double) { let d = jd - 2451545.0; let g = DMath.fixAngle(357.529 + 0.98560028 d) let q = DMath.fixAngle(280.459 + 0.98564736 d) let L = DMath.fixAngle(q + (1.915 DMath.dSin(g)) + (0.020 DMath.dSin(2 g)))
// let R = 1.00014 - 0.01671 * DMath.dCos(g) - 0.00014 * DMath.dCos(2*g)
let e = 23.439 - (0.00000036 * d)
var RA = DMath.dArcTan2(DMath.dCos(e) * DMath.dSin(L), x: DMath.dCos(L)) / 15.0
RA = fixHour(RA);
// Declination of the sun
let D = DMath.dArcSin(DMath.dSin(e) * DMath.dSin(L))
// Equation of time
let EqT = q / 15.0 - RA;
return (D, EqT);
// compute equation of time private func equationOfTime( jd:Double)->Double { let (, EqT) = sunPosition(jd) return EqT }
// compute declination angle of sun private func sunDeclination( jd:Double)->Double { let (D, ) = sunPosition(jd) return D }
// compute mid-day (Dhuhr, Zawal) time private func computeMidDay(_ t: Double)->Double { let T = equationOfTime(jDate + t) return fixHour(12 - T) }
// compute time for a given angle G, and day portion t private func sunAngleTime(_ G: Double, t: Double, ccw: Bool)-> Double { // Sun Declination let D:Double = sunDeclination(jDate + t) // Zawal let Z:Double = computeMidDay(t)
let x1 = (DMath.dSin(D) * DMath.dSin(coordinate!.latitude))
let x2 = (DMath.dCos(D) * DMath.dCos(coordinate!.latitude))
let V:Double = DMath.dArcCos((-DMath.dSin(G) - x1) / x2) / 15.0
return Z + (ccw ? -V : V)
// compute the time of Asr // Shafii: step=1, Hanafi: step=2 private func computeAsr(step: Int, t: Double)-> Double { let d = sunDeclination(jDate + t) let g = -DMath.dArcCot(Double(step) + DMath.dTan(abs(coordinate!.latitude - d))) return sunAngleTime(g, t: t, ccw: false) }
//------------------------------------------------------ // MARK: - Misc Functions //------------------------------------------------------
// compute the difference between two times private func timeDiff(_ time1:Double, time2:Double)->Double { return fixHour(time2 - time1) }
//------------------------------------------------------ // MARK: - Compute Prayer Times //------------------------------------------------------
// compute prayer times at given julian date private func computeTimes(_ times: [TimeNames: Double])-> [TimeNames: Double] { var t = dayPortion(times) guard let mp = Defaults.methodParams[calculationMethod] else { return [:]} let params = mp
var cTimes: [TimeNames: Double] = [:]
if case let .angles(angle) = imsakSettings {
cTimes[.imsak] = sunAngleTime(angle, t: t[.imsak]!, ccw: true)
let riseSet = riseSetAngle()
cTimes[.fajr] = sunAngleTime(params.fajrAngle, t: t[.fajr]!, ccw: true)
cTimes[.sunrise] = sunAngleTime(riseSet, t: t[.sunrise]!, ccw: true)
cTimes[.dhuhr] = computeMidDay(t[.dhuhr]!)
cTimes[.asr] = computeAsr(step: asrJuristic.shadowCoefficient, t: t[.asr]!)
cTimes[.sunset] = sunAngleTime(riseSet, t: t[.sunset]!, ccw: false)
if case let .angles(angle) = params.maghrib {
cTimes[.maghrib] = sunAngleTime(angle, t: t[.maghrib]!, ccw: false)
if case let .angles(angle) = params.isha {
cTimes[.isha] = sunAngleTime(angle, t: t[.isha]!, ccw: false)
return cTimes;
// compute prayer times at given julian date private func computeDayTimes()-> [TimeNames: Time] { //default times var times = Defaults.dayTimes;
// Compute minimum once times = computeTimes(times)
// If need more iterations... if numIterations > 1 { for _ in 2...numIterations { times = computeTimes(times) } }
times = adjustTimes(times)
let nightTime: Double switch Defaults.methodParams[calculationMethod]!.midnight { case .standard: nightTime = timeDiff(times[.sunset]!, time2: times[.sunrise]!) case .jafari: nightTime = timeDiff(times[.sunset]!, time2: times[.fajr]!) }
times[.midnight] = times[.sunset]! + nightTime/2 times[.qiyam] = times[.sunset]! + nightTime*2/3
times = tuneTimes(times)
let finalTimes = times.mapValues { Time(duration: $0) } //adjustTimesFormat(t2) //Set prayerTimesCurrent here!! currentPrayerTimes = finalTimes
return finalTimes }
// Tune timings for adjustments // Set time offsets // private func tune(offsetTimes: [TimeNames: Double]) { // offsets = offsetTimes; // } private func tuneTimes(_ times:[TimeNames: Double])-> [TimeNames: Double] { var ttimes = times for (pName, time) in times { //if(i==5) //NSLog(@"Normal: %d - %@", i, [times objectAtIndex:i]); let off = offsets[pName]! / 60.0 let oTime = time + off ttimes[pName] = oTime //if(i==5) //NSLog(@"Modified: %d - %@", i, [times objectAtIndex:i]); }
return ttimes; }
// range reduce hours to 0..23 private func fixHour(_ a: Double)-> Double { return DMath.wrap(a, min: 0, max: 24) }
// adjust times in a prayer time array private func adjustTimes(_ times: [TimeNames: Double])-> [TimeNames: Double] { var ttimes = times
let offset = (Double(timeZone) - coordinate!.longitude / 15.0) ttimes = ttimes.mapValues { $0 + offset }
if (highLatitudeAdjustment != .none){ ttimes = adjustHighLatTimes(ttimes) }
let params = Defaults.methodParams[calculationMethod]!
// Minutes based adjustments if case let .minutes(min) = imsakSettings { ttimes[.imsak] = ttimes[.fajr]! - min / 60.0 } if case let .minutes(min) = params.maghrib { ttimes[.maghrib] = ttimes[.sunset]! + min / 60.0 } if case let .minutes(min) = params.isha { ttimes[.isha] = ttimes[.maghrib]! + min / 60.0 }
//Dhuhr ttimes[TimeNames.dhuhr] = ttimes[TimeNames.dhuhr]! + (Double(dhuhrMinutes) / 60.0);
return ttimes; }
// adjust Fajr, Isha and Maghrib for locations in higher latitudes private func adjustHighLatTimes(_ times: [TimeNames: Double])-> [TimeNames: Double] {
guard let params = Defaults.methodParams[calculationMethod], let sunrise = times[TimeNames.sunrise], let sunset = times[TimeNames.sunset] else { return times }
var ttimes = times
// sunset to sunrise let nightTime = timeDiff(sunset, time2: sunrise)
if let imsak = ttimes[.imsak], case let .angles(angle) = imsakSettings { ttimes[.imsak] = adjustHLTime( time: imsak, base: sunrise, angle: angle, night: nightTime, ccw: true) }
if let fajr = ttimes[.fajr] { ttimes[.fajr] = adjustHLTime( time: fajr, base: sunrise, angle: params.fajrAngle, night: nightTime, ccw: true) }
if let maghrib = ttimes[.maghrib], case let .angles(angle) = params.maghrib { ttimes[.maghrib] = adjustHLTime( time: maghrib, base: sunset, angle: angle, night: nightTime, ccw: false) }
if let isha = ttimes[.isha], case let .angles(angle) = params.isha { ttimes[.isha] = adjustHLTime( time: isha, base: sunset, angle: angle, night: nightTime, ccw: false) }
return ttimes; }
private func adjustHLTime(time: Double, base: Double, angle: Double, night: Double, ccw: Bool) -> Double { var newTime = time let portion = nightPortion(angle: angle, night: night) let diff = ccw ? timeDiff(time, time2: base) : timeDiff(base, time2: time) if diff.isNaN || diff > portion { newTime = base + (ccw ? -portion : portion) } return newTime }
// the night portion used for adjusting times in higher latitudes private func nightPortion(angle: Double, night: Double)-> Double { var calc:Double
switch highLatitudeAdjustment { case .none : calc = 0.0 case .angleBased : calc = angle / 60.0 case .midNight : calc = 0.5 case .oneSeventh : calc = 0.14286 }
return calc * night; }
// convert hours to day portions private func dayPortion(_ times: [TimeNames: Double])-> [TimeNames: Double] { var ttimes = [TimeNames: Double]() for (pName, time) in times { let timeH = time / 24.0 ttimes[pName] = timeH } return ttimes } }
///////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////// Types.swift /////////////////////////////
public extension AKPrayerTime.Time {
func toDate(base date: Date = Date(), calendar: Calendar = Calendar(identifier: .gregorian)) -> Date { var components = calendar.dateComponents([.year, .month, .day, .weekday, .hour, .minute], from: date) components.hour = hours components.minute = minutes return components) ?? date }
func toTime12(showSuffix: Bool = true) -> String { var h = hours % 12 let m = minutes let a = (showSuffix ? ((hours > 12) ? " pm" : " am") : "") if h == 0 { h = 12 } return String(format: "%02d:%02d%@", h, m, a) }
func toTime24() -> String { return String(format: "%02d:%02d", hours, minutes) }
extension AKPrayerTime.Time: Comparable {
public static func < (lhs: AKPrayerTime.Time, rhs: AKPrayerTime.Time) -> Bool { return lhs.duration < rhs.duration }
public static func == (lhs: AKPrayerTime.Time, rhs: AKPrayerTime.Time) -> Bool { return lhs.duration == rhs.duration } }
extension AKPrayerTime.Time { func prevDayDuration() -> Double { return duration - 24 }
func nextDayDuration() -> Double { return duration + 24 } }
//////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////DMATH.swift//////////////////////
class DMath {
class func wrap(_ a: Double, min: Double, max: Double)-> Double {
var aa = a
let range = max - min
aa.formTruncatingRemainder(dividingBy: range)
if aa < min { aa += range }
if aa > max { aa -= range }
return aa
// range reduce angle in degrees.
class func fixAngle(_ a: Double)-> Double {
return a.reduce(max: 360) //wrap(a, min: 0, max: 360)
// radian to degree
class func radiansToDegrees(_ alpha: Double) -> Double{
return ((alpha*180.0) / Double.pi);
// deree to radian
class func degreesToRadians(_ alpha: Double)-> Double {
return ((alpha*Double.pi)/180.0);
// degree sin
class func dSin(_ d: Double)-> Double {
return sin(degreesToRadians(d))
// degree cos
class func dCos(_ d: Double)-> Double {
return cos(degreesToRadians(d))
// degree tan
class func dTan(_ d: Double)-> Double {
return tan(degreesToRadians(d))
// degree arcsin
class func dArcSin(_ x: Double)-> Double {
let val = asin(x)
return radiansToDegrees(val)
// degree arccos
class func dArcCos(_ x: Double)-> Double {
let val = acos(x);
return radiansToDegrees(val)
// degree arctan
class func dArcTan(_ x: Double)-> Double {
let val = atan(x);
return radiansToDegrees(val)
// degree arctan2
class func dArcTan2(_ y: Double, x: Double)-> Double {
let val = atan2(y, x);
return radiansToDegrees(val)
// degree arccot
class func dArcCot(_ x: Double)-> Double {
let val = atan2(1.0, x);
return radiansToDegrees(val)
} /////////////////////////// /////////////////////////// Foundation + Extension.swift ///////////////////////// extension Double { func reduce(max: Double, min: Double = 0) -> Double { let range = max - min return self - range * floor((self - min)/range) } }
Imsak (Based on Fajr or angle-based)
Qiyam Al-lyle (Based on Sunset-Fajr or Sunset-Sunrise)
Declination is calculated with the following formula: d = 23.45 sin [360 / 365 (284 + N)]
Where: d = declination N = day number, January 1 = day 1
-[x] Separate time format from calculation flow -[ ] Get prayer times for array/range of dates (i.e. for week or month) -[ ] Get current prayer time: time name, start time, remaining time
// Date passed after noon of 1st January, 2000 (when jd = 2451545.0) jd2k = 2451545.0; d = jd - jd2k; // jd is the given Julian date
// Mean anomaly of the Sun, in degrees. Need to reduce to 0-360 range. g = 357.529 + 0.98560028 d; // Mean longitude of the Sun, in degrees. Need to reduce to 0-360 range. q = 280.459 + 0.98564736 d; // Geocentric apparent ecliptic longitude of the Sun (adjusted for aberration), in degrees. Need to reduce to 0-360 range. L = q + 1.915 sin(g) + 0.020 sin(2*g);
// The distance of the Sun from the Earth aproximated, in astronomical units (AU) R = 1.00014 - 0.01671 cos(g) - 0.00014 cos(2g); // Mean obliquity of the ecliptic, in degrees e = 23.439 - 0.00000036 d; // Sun's right ascension RA = arctan2(cos(e) sin(L), cos(L))/ 15; // declination of the Sun D = arcsin(sin(e) sin(L)); // Equation of time EqT = q/15 - RA;
Dhuhr = 12 + TimeZone - Lng/15 - EqT
The time difference between the mid-day and the time at which sun reaches an angle α below the horizon can be computed using the following formula:
T(α) = 1/15 arccos( (-sin(α) - sin(L)sin(D)) / (cos(L)*cos(D)) )
Astronomical sunrise and sunset occur at α=0. However, due to the refraction of light by terrestrial atmosphere, actual sunrise appears slightly before astronomical sunrise and actual sunset occurs after astronomical sunset. Actual sunrise and sunset can be computed using the following formulas:
Sunrise = Dhuhr - T(0.833) Sunset = Dhuhr + T(0.833)
The following formula computes the time difference between the mid-day and the time at which the object's shadow equals t times the length of the object itself plus the length of that object's shadow at noon:
A(t) = 1/15 arccos( (sin( arccot(t + tan(L-D)))) - sin(L)sin(D)) / (cos(L)*cos(D)) )
So, Asr is, Asr = Dhuhr + A(1); // For Shafi'i, Maliki, Ja'fari, and Hanbali school of thoughts Asr = Dhuhr + A(2); // For Hanafi school of thoughts */
We received reports that the UAE - General Authority of Islamic Affairs And Endowments (AWQAF)
prayer times is incorrect based on 19.5 fair / 90 minute Isha. Have you found the correct formula for this?
Here is info for 20 ready calculations methods if you add them it would be much better. These info can be tested and verified from this website: `
// .uiptl: MethodParams( // fajrAngle: 18, // maghrib: .minutes(0), // isha: .angles(18), // midnight: .standard), // .custom: MethodParams( fajrAngle: 18, maghrib: .minutes(0), isha: .angles(17), midnight: .standard) ] } `
and here is the methods string names
"MWL" = "Muslim World League"; "ISNA" = "Islamic Society of North America"; "Egypt" = "Egyptian General Authority of Survey"; "Makkah" = "Umm al-Qura University, Makkah"; "Karachi" = "University of Islamic Science, Karachi"; "Tehran" = "Institute of Geophysics, University of Tehran"; "Jafari" = "Shia Ithna Ashari, Leva Research Institute, Qum"; "algeria" = "Algerian Minister of Religious Affairs and Wakfs"; "diyanet" = "Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı"; "egyptBis" = "Egyptian General Authority (Bis)"; "fixedIsha" = "Fixed Isha Angle Interval"; "uoif" = "France UOIF - Angle 12°"; "fr15" = "France - Angle 15°"; "fr18" = "France - Angle 18°"; "jakim" = "JAKIM (Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia)"; "muis" = "MUIS (Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura)"; "kemenag" = "SIHAT/KEMENAG (Kementerian Agama RI)"; "tunisia" = "Tunisian Ministry of Religious Affairs"; "awqafuae" = "UAE General Authority of Islamic Affairs And Endowments"; "uiptl" = "London Unified Islamic Prayer Timetable";
"MWL" = "رابطة العالم الإسلامي"; "ISNA" = "الجمعية الإسلامية لأمريكا الشمالية"; "Egypt" = "الهيئة المصرية العامة للمساحة"; "Makkah" = "جامعة أم القرى"; "Karachi" = "جامعة العلوم الإسلامية بكراتشي"; "Tehran" = "معهد الجيوفيزياء ، جامعة طهران"; "Jafari" = "معهد ليفا للبحوث ، قم ، إيران"; "algeria" = "وزارة الشؤون الدينية الجزائرية والأوقاف"; "diyanet" = "مديرية الشؤون الدينية"; "egyptBis" = "الهيئة العامة المصرية (Bis)"; "fixedIsha" = "تثبيت زاوية العشاء"; "uoif" = "فرنسا UOIF ١٢°"; "fr15" = "°فرنسا ١٥"; "fr18" = "°فرنسا ١٨"; "jakim" = "إدارة التنمية الإسلامية في ماليزيا"; "muis" = "المجلس الديني الإسلامي في سنغافورة"; "kemenag" = "وزارة الشؤون الدينية"; "tunisia" = "وزارة الشؤون الدينية التونسية"; "awqafuae" = "الهيئة العامة الإماراتية للشؤون الإسلامية والأوقاف"; "uiptl" = "الجدول الزمني الموحد للصلاة الإسلامية في لندن";