ashiklom / rrtm

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Add in spec.response, convolution options to rrtm #4

Open serbinsh opened 3 years ago

serbinsh commented 3 years ago

We should bring in the spec response, FWHM response function tools into rrtm

 refl <- PEcAnRTM::spectral.response(as.vector(rrtm::prospect5(mod.params[i,""],mod.params[i,""],
                                                                mod.params[i,""])$reflectance), 'licor')

Would like to remove the depends on PEcAn RTM.

this is probably not to challenging to move from RTM to rrtm

serbinsh commented 2 years ago

@ashiklom I just created a new branch that added rsr based on the pecan rtm implementation. Will make a PR now

> refl <- rrtm::spectral.response(as.vector(rrtm::prospect5(1.38,41,9,0.06,0.00560,0.002)$reflectance), 'licor')
> trans <- rrtm::spectral.response(as.vector(rrtm::prospect5(1.38,41,9,0.06,0.00560,0.002)$transmittance), 'licor')
> 1-trans-refl
[1] 0.9511892 0.9066594 0.1452508