Open serbinsh opened 3 years ago
@ashiklom I just created a new branch that added rsr based on the pecan rtm implementation. Will make a PR now
> refl <- rrtm::spectral.response(as.vector(rrtm::prospect5(1.38,41,9,0.06,0.00560,0.002)$reflectance), 'licor')
> trans <- rrtm::spectral.response(as.vector(rrtm::prospect5(1.38,41,9,0.06,0.00560,0.002)$transmittance), 'licor')
> 1-trans-refl
[1] 0.9511892 0.9066594 0.1452508
We should bring in the spec response, FWHM response function tools into rrtm
Would like to remove the depends on PEcAn RTM.
this is probably not to challenging to move from RTM to rrtm