ashishb / wp2hugo

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Code for image is added to post summary and displayed as text #13

Closed zturtleman closed 6 months ago

zturtleman commented 6 months ago

If a WordPress post begins with an image, wp2hugo adds the generated {{< figure ... >}} into the summary front matter of the post. It's displayed as text {{< figure ... >}} in the list of posts in PaperMod 7.0.

date: "2024-01-03T02:59:06+00:00"
summary: |+
  {{< figure align=alignright width=204 src="" alt="" >}}

  Hello world. This is a post.

title: Example
url: /2024/01/02/example/

{{< figure align=alignright width=204 src="/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/example.jpg" alt="" >}}

Hello world. This is a post.

Top-article summary display in PaperMod 7.0:

Screenshot from 2024-03-26 21-17-40

ashishb commented 6 months ago

Fixed in 4feeaa526119fdcaa36a1d6f7b71a97438855a8b