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multisite-export: ignore Unknown publish status / filter posts by dc:creator #26

Closed Finkregh closed 1 month ago

Finkregh commented 2 months ago

I´d like to migrate a blog from a single multisite installation. The export seems to contain all posts from all blogs and/or attatchments as posts. Seems to be a mess :|

The error I get:

{"level":"fatal","time":1721118731,"message":"Unknown publish status: attachment for gras - 1.thumb"}


                <title><![CDATA[gras - 1.thumb]]></title>
                <pubDate>Thu, 14 Sep 2006 20:10:19 +0000</pubDate>
                <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
                <wp:post_date><![CDATA[2006-09-14 22:10:19]]></wp:post_date>
                <wp:post_date_gmt><![CDATA[2006-09-14 20:10:19]]></wp:post_date_gmt>
                <wp:post_modified><![CDATA[2024-07-16 10:21:41]]></wp:post_modified>
                <wp:post_modified_gmt><![CDATA[2024-07-16 08:21:41]]></wp:post_modified_gmt>
                                                                                <category domain="category" nicename="uncategorized"><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>

Other values:

❯ grep 'wp:status' bar.WordPress.2024-07-16.xml | sort -u           

A possibility to filter by dc:creator would already help :)


ashishb commented 1 month ago

Thanks. Can you email me a sample file to experiment with?

ashishb commented 1 month ago

{"level":"fatal","time":1721118731,"message":"Unknown publish status: attachment for gras - 1.thumb"}

Fixed in

ashishb commented 1 month ago

A possibility to filter by dc:creator would already help :)

Added in

Finkregh commented 1 month ago

Thanks! Sorry for no reply, I was a little swamped :/