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spring-boot/configure-feign-rest-client/ #10

Open utterances-bot opened 3 years ago

utterances-bot commented 3 years ago

Configure Feign Client in Spring Boot - Coding N Concepts

Step by step guide of how to configure feign client to consume RESTFul APIs from given endpoint in a Spring Boot application

krishnasuhas commented 3 years ago

Thanks, It's helpful.

julianjupiter commented 1 year ago

Nice article! One thing that is similar to a other tutorials, though, is it does not include topic related to client SSL.

ashishlahoti commented 1 year ago

@julianjupiter I heard you. Please check another blog for client SSL

muathejamil commented 1 year ago

I Just want to ask if we want to use post client in another service from where I can get the post entity and not write them in the other service so I DRY?! Thanks

hannah23280 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the great article. but there is something i dont understand. Since spring boot is opinonated, when it sees the web and openfeign dependencies in the classpath, it sets up all the necessary default configuration required for FeignClient and automatically scans for the classes annotated with @FeignClient. Then why do we still need to explicitly add "@EnableFeignClients"?

icefrag commented 1 year ago

good wiki