ashl1 / datatables-rowsgroup

The Datatables feature plugin that groups rows (merge cells vertically) in according to specified columns.
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Plugin forces the column order to ASC in order to build the groups? #38

Open denselGit opened 2 years ago

denselGit commented 2 years ago

Hi, I am using Datatables 1.10.21 and Datatables RowsGroup v1.0.0 with Server-side rendering.

Columns 0 and 1 are set for rows grouping option inside table object as:

"rowsGroup": [ 0, 1 ],

If I select Column 0 order I get the correct values for 'order' and 'orderDir' on the server-side. When I Select the Column 1 sort option, the server-side code collects the correct 'order' value (i.e. "1"), but 'order' is always equal to "ASC".

However, I realized that double-click on the column sort option (when "ASC" is active) send order="DESC" on the server-side.

Is there any posibility to make column sorting work as in original datatables without RowsGroup plugin? Thank's in advanced.

dataworking commented 1 year ago

If you comment out this line from the source .js the sorting problem will go away (maybe I will find time to see what this ordering code is trying to do...):


this.table.order($.extend(true, [], this.order));


//this.table.order($.extend(true, [], this.order));