When creating a new container with option 'alias" there is an PHP Notice about undefined index. That's not so good for environments where error-reporting is set to E_ALL.
PHP Notice: Undefined index: empty in /var/www/clients/client1/web2/subwebs/test.profi-webspace.eu/vendor/opensaucesystems/lxd/src/Endpoint/Containers.php on line 257
should be added an "isset"-check before check for empty-Value...
When creating a new container with option 'alias" there is an PHP Notice about undefined index. That's not so good for environments where error-reporting is set to E_ALL.
PHP Notice: Undefined index: empty in /var/www/clients/client1/web2/subwebs/test.profi-webspace.eu/vendor/opensaucesystems/lxd/src/Endpoint/Containers.php on line 257
should be added an "isset"-check before check for empty-Value...