ashleyj / aura

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RoboVM Debugger #25

Open florianf opened 7 years ago

florianf commented 7 years ago

Hi ashley!

I'm currently working on a debugger for MobiDevelop's RoboVM fork, since this is really badly missing. Some basics are working, but a lot is not. I thought it maybe interesting for your fork too and maybe you could join the development ;-)

Take a look at: and

ashleyj commented 7 years ago

Brilliant, i'll start looking into it soon! Thanks

florianf commented 7 years ago

But beware, it's my first attempt at writing a debugger, and it shows ;-) If you have any questions just open an issue on the RoboVM bugtracker.

florianf commented 7 years ago

Hey, @ashleyj ! Just a quick info, @dkimitsa brought the original line-numbering for robovm back, it's already merged there. And even better news, he's currently working on bringing debugging support back too!

florianf commented 7 years ago

Hey, @ashleyj ! I just merged the finished debugger from @dkimitsa, IDEA works but Eclipse integration is missing and help wanted :-)