ashleypittman / mec

MyEnergi Client API and Management tools.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add import rate usage history tool #17

Open electrofelix opened 1 year ago

electrofelix commented 1 year ago

Include a script that can show usage across a selection of rate times to allow calculating cost of usage with various tariff plans based on actual import usage.

electrofelix commented 1 year ago

This is less fixing an issue and more an additional script for those that might be interested in using the zappi history to calculate what various electricity tariff plans would cost them.

I've left it as a draft because I haven't quite got to solving how to read in the rates from an CLI option an split them up appropriately as well as correctly associate which rates to make use of a battery for ToU cost reduction.

ashleypittman commented 1 year ago

Good work, I've actually got something similar here but it's working from the octopus smart meter data.

Have you taken timezones into account, the API returns everything in GMT but local time can and will be different.

electrofelix commented 1 year ago

Good point, I haven't used local time, which likely doesn't make much difference for me being in Ireland as over the summer the solar panels will keep any variation I'm likely to see when calculating usage to a min and winter time is the same as GMT which would be the main time for power usage across peak times.

Still that does limit it's usefulness for many others and would mean that it would be important to ensure to span the correct 24 hour period to make it more useful.