ashleysommer / sanic-cors

A Sanic extension for handling Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), making cross-origin AJAX possible. Based on flask-cors by Cory Dolphin.
MIT License
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Dependencies could not be resolved with pipenv #17

Closed jamesstidard closed 6 years ago

jamesstidard commented 6 years ago

I'm using pipenv to manage my virtual environments and it seems to be have a problem with the sanic-plugins-framework>=0.5.0.dev20171225 dependency. The message I get is Warning: Your dependencies could not be resolved. You likely have a mismatch in your sub-dependencies. which prevents a lock file from being generated.

I'm unsure if this is a pipenv issue or not. I assume it something to do with it having dev in the version number throwing off the version checking.

I may open this ticket on the other related projects as well and hopefully someone will be able to help narrow it down.

Here's the output I get from a clean pipenv virtual environment install:

$ mkdir Testing
$ cd Testing/
$ pipenv install sanic_cors
Creating a virtualenv for this project…
Using /Users/james/.local/share/virtualenvs/pipenv/bin/python (3.6.5) to create virtualenv…
⠋Already using interpreter /Users/james/.local/share/virtualenvs/pipenv/bin/python
Using real prefix '/Users/james/.pyenv/versions/3.6.5'
New python executable in /Users/james/.local/share/virtualenvs/Testing-miRSgagl/bin/python
Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.

Virtualenv location: /Users/james/.local/share/virtualenvs/Testing-miRSgagl
Creating a Pipfile for this project…
Installing sanic_cors…
Collecting sanic_cors
  Using cached Sanic_Cors-0.9.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Collecting sanic>=0.7.0 (from sanic_cors)
  Using cached sanic-0.7.0-py3-none-any.whl
Collecting sanic-plugins-framework>=0.5.0.dev20171225 (from sanic_cors)
  Using cached Sanic_Plugins_Framework-0.5.2.dev20180201-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Collecting httptools>=0.0.9 (from sanic>=0.7.0->sanic_cors)
Collecting aiofiles>=0.3.0 (from sanic>=0.7.0->sanic_cors)
  Using cached aiofiles-0.3.2-py3-none-any.whl
Collecting uvloop>=0.5.3 (from sanic>=0.7.0->sanic_cors)
  Using cached uvloop-0.9.1-cp36-cp36m-macosx_10_11_x86_64.whl
Collecting ujson>=1.35 (from sanic>=0.7.0->sanic_cors)
Collecting websockets>=4.0 (from sanic>=0.7.0->sanic_cors)
  Using cached websockets-4.0.1-cp36-cp36m-macosx_10_6_intel.whl
Installing collected packages: httptools, aiofiles, uvloop, ujson, websockets, sanic, sanic-plugins-framework, sanic-cors
Successfully installed aiofiles-0.3.2 httptools-0.0.11 sanic-0.7.0 sanic-cors-0.9.3 sanic-plugins-framework-0.5.2.dev20180201 ujson-1.35 uvloop-0.9.1 websockets-4.0.1

Adding sanic_cors to Pipfile's [packages]…
Pipfile.lock not found, creating…
Locking [dev-packages] dependencies…
Locking [packages] dependencies…

Warning: Your dependencies could not be resolved. You likely have a mismatch in your sub-dependencies.
  You can use $ pipenv install --skip-lock to bypass this mechanism, then run $ pipenv graph to inspect the situation.
Could not find a version that matches sanic-plugins-framework>=0.5.0.dev20171225
Tried: 0.2.0.dev20171102, 0.2.0.dev20171102, 0.3.0.dev20171102, 0.3.0.dev20171102, 0.3.1.dev20171102, 0.3.1.dev20171102, 0.3.2.dev20171102, 0.3.2.dev20171102, 0.3.3.dev20171102, 0.3.3.dev20171102, 0.4.0.dev20171103, 0.4.0.dev20171103, 0.4.1.dev20171103, 0.4.1.dev20171103, 0.4.2.dev20171106, 0.4.2.dev20171106, 0.4.4.dev20171107, 0.4.4.dev20171107, 0.4.5.dev20171113, 0.4.5.dev20171113, 0.5.0.dev20171225, 0.5.0.dev20171225, 0.5.2.dev20180201, 0.5.2.dev20180201

$ ls
jamesstidard commented 6 years ago

Appears to be a pipenv issue so closing.