ashokkrish / episim

episim is an R Shiny app for mathematical modelling of infectious diseases
GNU General Public License v3.0
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CSS issue in react-chart-editor #141

Open bryce-carson opened 5 days ago

bryce-carson commented 5 days ago

Bootstrap sets box-sizing: 'border-box' on not only *, but on other elements when "everything" isn't enough for Bootstrap to subsume everything in sight.

Unfortunately, even with an hour of hacking on this issue specifically, I haven't been able to use box-sizing: 'revert' or box-sizing: 'unset dynamically or statically. Setting the CSS property on a parent div does not take effect, and when I run it in the JavaScript console it will work with box-sizing: 'content-box', but as soon as any interactive element in the react-chart-editor is used the Bootstrap CSS will take over again and the visual bug will resurface like a submarine trying to blow up my awesome-hacker-skills blanket fort and all my gold coins.

Bootstrap is making me very angery! 😠💢

ashokkrish commented 5 days ago

Thanks for all your hard work.