ashokkrish / episim

episim is an R Shiny app for mathematical modelling of infectious diseases
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 3 forks source link

Programming language(s) used in repository detected by Linguist is incorrect #151

Open bryce-carson opened 1 month ago

bryce-carson commented 1 month ago

ashokkrish commented 1 month ago

I really hope we can somehow make it not look like a Javascript project and switch to the primary programming language.

bryce-carson commented 1 month ago

I really hope we can somehow make it not look like a Javascript project and switch to the primary programming language.

Yeah, we can. It just takes effort. I'm not sure why it is detected incorrectly, but apparently linguist is only seeing a couple files! I followed GitHub's documentation to correct this but didn't have any better luck using their tool locally to generate a "linguist file" which would override detection on their servers and use our file instead.

At the moment, our best bet is to ask someone on StackOverflow to help us by submitting a pull request to fix the issue, or give us fool-proof instructions.