ashokkrish / episim

episim is an R Shiny app for mathematical modelling of infectious diseases
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Populate Basic Reproduction Number (R₀) tabPanel with content #40

Open ashokkrish opened 1 month ago

ashokkrish commented 1 month ago

The basic reproduction number or basic reproduction ratio (denoted R0) represents the average number of secondary infections produced from a single infected individual introduced into a completely susceptible population.

For each deterministic compartmental models we need to first come up with the next-generation matrix (NGM) for the system at disease free equilibrium, denoted K. The entries of matrix K are all positive. The largest (or dominant) eigenvalue of the NGM is R0. We also should establish that the sum of the eigenvalues of K is equal to the trace of K. For stochastic models it is known as the “mean offspring matrix”.


where the F and V are matrices. The entries of matrix F relate to the number of new infections caused by an infective entering the population. Matrix F has rank 1. ρ denotes the spectral radius.

Add a dedicated tabPanel() where we will first derive the R0 formula and then go on to calculate the value based on user input. Details are as follows.

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bryce-carson commented 1 month ago

@ashokkrish, and @kle6951,

Now that the tabPanel has been added I have updated this issue to reflect what is now desired (populating it with content). Thanks for the merge, @kle6951.