ashokkrish / spatialEpisim

spatialEpisim: Spatial Tracking of Infectious Disease Epidemics using Mathematical Models
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Generate spatial animation on the client-side; decide on container for animation if download available. #11

Open bryce-carson opened 3 weeks ago

bryce-carson commented 3 weeks ago

The use of the MP4 format is misguided... the creation of an animation should be achieved using a client-side JavaScript animation framework to give the user full control.

Opining and wondering aloud

The container format should be an open format, like OGG if we are offering a download. Not all users will have access to an MP4 decoder. 🤷🏼 A more portable decision is to decide that the user should convert a slideshow played at some rate to a video on their own. Our job isn't to do their entire job for them, especially when it comes to supplementary materials; eventually someone will have an issue and want the raw data anyways, so we should just give them the raw data (the PNGs) and wash our hands of the issue.

bryce-carson commented 3 weeks ago

In the commentary of #7 I discuss using Splide.

bryce-carson commented 9 hours ago

The Theora encoder with an OGG container seems like a good choice, but WEBM is more commonly known.