ashthespy / Atom-LaTeX

The only LaTeX package you need for typesetting with Atom.
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Question about toolchain #292

Closed iwan1510 closed 2 years ago

iwan1510 commented 2 years ago

This is more of a question rather than a bug report: I mainly use PDFLatex, but sometimes I do use Xelatex. I modify the custom toolchain such that it runs xelatex instead of pdflatex. I can compile a document using xelatex when I choose custom toolchain. The way I understand it, though, if I choose "Auto" toolchain, it would first try latexmk toolchain (and thus using pdflatex, instead of xelatex). If it fails, then the custom toolchain will be used. However, everytime I choose Auto, it will instead runs xelatex instead of pdflatex. If I want to use pdflatex, I had to specifically choose the latexmk toolchain.

I am very new with atom-latex, so I might be missing the obvious here. But am I doing something wrong, or is my understanding about Auto trying latexmk toolchain first before using custom toolchain wrong? Or is there something else going on here?

If it helps, I am trying to compile a very simple file containing just a few lines of text (I am just trying to get a feel for atom-latex here).

ashthespy commented 2 years ago

The is correct, when set to auto, it will try latexmk first, and then custom. What does your build logs suggest? It's always using the custom toolchain?

iwan1510 commented 2 years ago

I think so. I have to check the build log, but yesterday I did a simple experiment. I put the command \usepackage{tgpagella} to change the document font. This (AFAIK) will only work with pdflatex. If I explicitly specify the latexmk toolchain, the document will compile correctly (ie., using the TeX Gyre Pagella font). However, if I use the auto toolchain, xelatex is always used (ie., the custom toolchain) and the document is compiled using the CM font instead.

ashthespy commented 2 years ago

We just read the exit code of the command and use that as a metric of failure.

You could try adding fontspec (via \includepackage{fontspec}) which should throw an error when compiling with pdflatex?

iwan1510 commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure if this test will work. As I said, the custom toolchain (in my case that means xelatex) seems to be run first. So if I add that package, the document will compile correctly since it is compiled using xelatex. I honestly don't know if this is because the software have tried latexmk (ie., pdflatex) first, failed, then switched to custom. I doubt this, though, since even if I don't add any xelatex-specific package the document is always compiled with xelatex. If the latexmk is favoured, then such a document should have been compiled with pdflatex. An example is the following bare-bones LaTeX source code. It should not generate any errors with pdflatex (i.e., latexmk should not fail), but the document seems to still be compiled using xelatex instead of pdflatex.


ashthespy commented 2 years ago

Please share your package settings

iwan1510 commented 2 years ago

Will do. But forgive me for asking: how best should I do that? Make a screen shot? Sorry, I'm new at Atom and perhaps I'm missing the obvious.

ashthespy commented 2 years ago

Screenshot, or config.cson. Look under the key atom-latex.

iwan1510 commented 2 years ago

Here's a screenshot of the (I think) relevant section of the package setting:


Here's the content of the config.cson under the key atom-latex:

"atom-latex": compiler: "xelatex" custom_toolchain: "%TEX %ARG %DOC && %TEX %ARG %DOC" focus_viewer: true

I hope these are correct.

ashthespy commented 2 years ago

I might have been a bit misleading - auto doesn't run latexmk and then try the second toolchain but rather checks if latexmk exists, and can run (needs perl).

Sorry for the confusion.

For the matter of auto falling back to xelatex - are you using a .latexcfg with a toolchain key? This will override the auto setting.

iwan1510 commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure about the .latexcfg file. Where do I find it? I never create the file on purpose, but perhaps it exists somewhere.

ashthespy commented 2 years ago

Then it probably doesn't exist ;-)

Just to confirm, when you manually switch from auto to latexmk the file builds with latekxmk?

iwan1510 commented 2 years ago

Yes, if I specifically choose latexmk then the file is compiled using latexmk (and, correspondingly, pdflatex)

ashthespy commented 2 years ago

Can you add a debug statements in

  setCmds: ->
    if @latex.manager.config?.toolchain
      console.log "cfg:", @cmds
    else if atom.config.get('atom-latex.toolchain') == 'auto'
      if !@latexmk_toolchain()
      console.log "Auto:", @cmds
    else if atom.config.get('atom-latex.toolchain') == 'latexmk toolchain'
      console.log "latexmk :", @cmds
    else if atom.config.get('atom-latex.toolchain') == 'custom toolchain'
      console.log "custom :", @cmds

This can be done by going to the Atom-Latex package page, and then clicking "View Code" editing, and then reloading your test document window with Ctr+Shift+F5.

Then share what you see in the dev console for auto and latexmk

iwan1510 commented 2 years ago

I hope these are what you had in mind: Auto: (2) ["xelatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error test", "xelatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error test"]
length: 0__proto__: Array(0) latexmk : ["latexmk -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -pdf test"]
length: 0__proto__: Array(0)
ashthespy commented 2 years ago

Okay, we are getting somewhere now. In the dev console - what is the output these? Are any false?


# Finally set things back to `auto` and run 
iwan1510 commented 2 years ago

The outputs are all false, except for the last one: atom_latex.latex.builder.binCheck('latexmk')

The output to the last two commands are:

atom_latex.latex.builder.setCmds() Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
    at Builder.module.exports.Builder.custom_toolchain (
    at Builder.module.exports.Builder.setCmds (
    at <anonymous>:1:26
module.exports.Builder.custom_toolchain @
module.exports.Builder.setCmds @
(anonymous) @ VM992:1
ashthespy commented 2 years ago

Right - so that is the issue, when setting the custom toolchain, it fails to find perl, so it believes even latexmk will fail., So in auto mode the custom toolcahin takes priority.

What you can do is remove all the debug logging, and then remove the perl check in


if !@binCheck('latexmk')

It should then use latexmk in auto as intended.

op183 commented 2 years ago

latexmk -xelatex .... and you are fine :-)

see latexmk --help for details

iwan1510 commented 2 years ago

@ashthespy: Tried what you suggested. Now when I use auto, latexmk is indeed used. However, if I add something that only works with xelatex, (e.g., I added \usepackage{fontspec}, the software tried to use latexmk, failed, but then stopped and didn't fall back to custom.

@op183: I don't think that is what I want. If I understand it correctly, your suggestion will always tell atom to use xelatex, which was precisely why I opened this issue in the first place. I want -- if at all possible -- for it to first try latexmk, but then automatically fall back to auto (which I have set to run xelatex) when it fails. Or am I misunderstanding/missing something?

ashthespy commented 2 years ago

No as I mentioned in this isn't the inbuilt to the package. The fall back is more to check if latexmk can run on your machine.

For your usecase I would suggest using a .latexcfg or some other LaTeX build automation tool. You then would need to set this build tool as your custom toolchain. I personally use arara, but there are probably other options.

op183 commented 2 years ago

@iwan1510 I suggest always using auto (latexmk) and in settings define the parameters

For example i use -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -pdflua to compile my LuaLaTex source. It tells latexmk tu use lualatx and generate pdf.

Other examples

-pdfxe - generate pdf by xelatex -pdfxelatex=program - set program used for xelatex. (replace 'program' by the program name)

and so on ....

If you need even something more flexible see -e code - Execute specified Perl code (as part of latexmk start-up code)

see for further details

ashthespy commented 2 years ago

But that would mean you need to switch parameters for each project..

op183 commented 2 years ago

@ashthespy or put all the necessary logic into perl script ... latexmk is nothing but such a perl script

ashthespy commented 2 years ago

Indeed, you could always implement logic yourself ;)

Ideally, the package should understand the % !TEX program sequence --

Personally, I just define in each root file what the processor should be

% arara: xelatex: {synctex: yes, shell: yes, options: ['-file-line-error'], interaction: nonstopmode}

And then set my custom tool chain to arara %DOC -v

All different ways to achieve the same thing ;-)

iwan1510 commented 2 years ago

@ashthespy and @op183, thank you for the suggestions and explanations. I think for the time being I have a clear(er) understanding of the current capabilities and limitations of the package with regard to switching TeX engine. I think my original question has been answered. I thank you both and I will close the issue.