ashual / scene_generation

A PyTorch implementation of the paper: Specifying Object Attributes and Relations in Interactive Scene Generation
Apache License 2.0
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What is the configuration of calculating the Fréchet Inception Distance? #14

Open HongdongZheng opened 4 years ago

HongdongZheng commented 4 years ago

Hi, could you explain the configuration when calculating the Fréchet Inception Distance? Specifically:

  1. Which dataset was used to calculate the mean and covariance of real world samples?All training samples(train, val and test set)? Only train set samples? Or only test set samples?
  2. The details of calculating the mean and covariance of generated samples? Did it follow the sg2im paper with five samples generated for each image on COCO test set?


ashual commented 3 years ago
  1. only test set
  2. no, only once. The results indeed are slightly different in each run (might be slightly better or slightly worst)