ashvardanian / StringZilla

Up to 10x faster strings for C, C++, Python, Rust, and Swift, leveraging NEON, AVX2, AVX-512, and SWAR to accelerate search, sort, edit distances, alignment scores, etc 🦖
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Better Heuristics for Substring Search #72

Open JobLeonard opened 7 months ago

JobLeonard commented 7 months ago

So I recently had to implement a fast text filter for work (in browser JavaScript, so no use for your library (yet) I'm afraid), and used the same-ish kind of insight but inverted: given that nearby characters are strongly correlated, then the first and last characters in a substring should be the least correlated. Or put in other words: suppose two (eventually) different words match their first n characters so far. Of all remaining characters, character n+1 is most likely to be the same, so actually the worst character to test next.

Statistically speaking, comparing the first and last characters has a higher chance to filter out mismatching strings early, avoiding false positives (of course, I'm well aware that linear memory access patterns might have a much bigger impact than this statistic).

This was not my original insight - Wojciech Muła also does this in one of his SIMD string search algorithms: (without justification though, he left that as an exercise for the reader)

Looking through the code-base, I see that you first match on a four-character needle, then finish comparing on the suffixes with this sz_equal function:

My idea could be (relatively) quickly benchmarked by modifying this function. I haven't written C++ in a while, but I think this would be a correct "first test the last character, then test the remaining string characters" variation:

sz_bool_t sz_equal(sz_string_start_t a, sz_string_start_t b, sz_size_t length) {
    sz_string_start_t const a_end = a + length - 1;
    if (a <= a_end && *a_end != b[length - 1]) return false;
    while (a != a_end && *a == *b) a++, b++;
    return a_end == a;

Or a "compare back-to-front" variation:

sz_bool_t sz_equal(sz_string_start_t a, sz_string_start_t b, sz_size_t length) {
    sz_string_start_t a_end = a + length - 1;
    sz_string_start_t b_end = b + length - 1;
    if (a <= a_end && *a_end != b[length - 1]) return false;
    while (a != a_end && *a == *b) a++, b++;
    return a_end == a;

I am aware that simple forward linear memory access is faster than random or backward memory access, so I would not be surprised if both of these functions are slower in practice, regardless of what statistics says. But we won't know until we try, right?

For completeness sake here is my JS data structure, although I don't think it is particularly relevant as it solves a slightly different (but adjacent) problem than StringZilla The use-case is real-time filtering a data table based on user-input, leaving only rows that contain a substring match in any data cell with the input string. So it's more optimized for "latency". It pre-processes the indices of all trigrams of the strings in the table, and uses these as needles. For an input string it filters on the first trigram, then filters backwards from the last trigram in the input substring. Because trigrams are looked up from a hasmap the forward or backward access pattern concern does not apply here. It also uses previous results to narrow down the results faster (e.g. if a user typed `the`, then types a `y` to produce `they`, the filter only searches the existing results of `the` instead of starting over)
ashvardanian commented 7 months ago

Hi @JobLeonard! Sorry for a late response, didn’t see the issue.

That’s a good suggestion for the serial version! I haven’t spent much time optimizing it.

On most modern CPUs the forward and backward passes over memory are equally fast, AFAIK. It might be a good idea to also add a version that uses 64 bit integers, if misaligned reads are allowed. Would you be interested in trying a couple of such approaches and submitting a PR?

In case you do, the file references several datasets for benchmarks 🤗

JobLeonard commented 7 months ago

I'll take a shot at it, with the following caveats:

So my benchmark nrs will be limited to a few simple variations of sz_equal on x86-64, with AVX2 thrown in as a point of comparison too, and therefore only useful as a first sanity check for whether this idea is worth investigating further. Is that ok?

ashvardanian commented 7 months ago

Sure @JobLeonard, you can start and I can join a bit later.

For benchmarking I often take cloud instances (c7g and r7iz) to gain access to more hardware. Might be useful to you too 🤗

One thing to watch out for - on very short strings (well under 64 bytes) we are optimizing the for-loop. On longer strings, if we take the first and the last character - we end up fetching 2 cache lines from each string, instead of just one.

ashvardanian commented 6 months ago

Hi @JobLeonard,

I have a big update! I've generalized the substring search methods to be able to match different characters within the needle. The method that infers the best targets is called _sz_locate_needle_anomalies. For long needles and small alphabets, updating it may have a noticeable impact. Here is the code:

Not sure about what would be the best dataset for such benchmarks, seems like this is related to #91.

JobLeonard commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the heads-up, looks like a worthwhile change for the examples given in the doc comment.

I was about to write that I'm still interested in giving this a go but have been very busy at work in the last month. Not entirely sure when I manage to free up some time again but just wanted to re-assure you that I haven't forgotten about it!