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Add youtube logo to footer #20

Closed epicfaace closed 1 week ago

epicfaace commented 2 months ago

OlliMulchandani commented 1 month ago

After cloning the repository, I was able to make and test the change, but because I'm not a contributor I couldn't push my updated code. To add the YouTube logo to the footer manually, simply add the following 6 lines between lines 48 and 49 in src/components/socials.js:

    <Link to="" title="YouTube">
      <svg fill="white" width="1.9rem" height="1.9rem" viewBox="0 0 50 50" xmlns="" >
        <path d="M 44.898438 14.5 C 44.5 12.300781 42.601563 10.699219 40.398438 10.199219 C 37.101563 9.5 31 9 24.398438 9 C 17.800781 9 11.601563 9.5 8.300781 10.199219 C 6.101563 10.699219 4.199219 12.199219 3.800781 14.5 C 3.398438 17 3 20.5 3 25 C 3 29.5 3.398438 33 3.898438 35.5 C 4.300781 37.699219 6.199219 39.300781 8.398438 39.800781 C 11.898438 40.5 17.898438 41 24.5 41 C 31.101563 41 37.101563 40.5 40.601563 39.800781 C 42.800781 39.300781 44.699219 37.800781 45.101563 35.5 C 45.5 33 46 29.398438 46.101563 25 C 45.898438 20.5 45.398438 17 44.898438 14.5 Z M 19 32 L 19 18 L 31.199219 25 Z"></path>