ashwithpoojary98 / javaflutterfinder

Flutter driver with Java implementation
MIT License
10 stars 5 forks source link

can't run on android version upper 12(using real devices) and on android version upper 11(using emulator) #13

Closed zeinmuhammad25 closed 7 months ago

zeinmuhammad25 commented 7 months ago

version depedency : 1.0.3 using appium version = appium@2.0.1

✔ Listing installed drivers

command line: org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: Unable to create a new remote session. Please check the server log for more details. Original error: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Cannot determine the Dart Observatory URL after 10 retries. Original error: No observatory URL matching to '/(Observatory listening on |An Observatory debugger and profiler on\s.+\sis available at: |The Dart VM service is listening on )((http|\/\/)[a-zA-Z0-9:/=_-.[]]+)/' was found in the device log

ashwithpoojary98 commented 7 months ago

Hi @zeinmuhammad25 I hope you followed below steps before running the test cases

zeinmuhammad25 commented 7 months ago

@ashwithpoojary98 I have done the steps suggested, to add enableFlutterDriverExtension in the main.dart class, but the problem is I can run it on the Samsung M12 device (OS 12), but it can't run on the Xiaomi Note 12 device (OS 13) and can't run in the entire emulator, after I updated to flutter@1.23.0

ashwithpoojary98 commented 7 months ago

@ashwithpoojary98 might be a flutter issue. Please add Appium logs

zeinmuhammad25 commented 7 months ago

The problem I had was running the release version of the Flutter apk, so it couldn't run, after I used the debug version it could run again. thanks for the response