asikart / remoteimage

Asikart RemoteImage helps you manage Joomla CMS image and media files on local and remote FTP host.
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RemoteImage 2.01 doesn't install well (windwalker) and doesn't work in the end #19

Closed DomJam closed 9 years ago

DomJam commented 9 years ago

Hi Team,

I love RemoteImage. It deserves more advertising, and you really should ask money for it. (And by the way, I'll be giving a donation after this issue is solved as it really deserves it, and deserves more functionality and support too).

Lately, I was happy to see that some updates where available, as the last version was quite an old one.

-> RemoteImage Version 1.6 works all good on my Joomla 3.3.3 but.... -> RemoteImage Version 2.01 doesn't work at all. Please find the details below, hoping for your help.

FIRST ERRORS RIGHT AFTER INSTALLATION OF V 2.01 Right after having installed remoteImage 'from a folder', Joomla ends the installation process by giving the following messages: (Yellow message) ' Warning JInstaller: :Install: the file doesn't exits /home/intoprod/public_html/tmp/remoteimage-2.0.1/windwalker/.gitignore '

Then, a bit below and before the Installation Recap Table there's this message : ' Warning: copy(/home/intoprod/public_html/libraries/windwalker/config.dist.json) [function.copy]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/intoprod/public_html/tmp/remoteimage-2.0.1/windwalker/src/System/Installer/WindwalkerInstaller.php on line 56 '

Then, there's the nice Installation Recap Table. The step 1 (Component), 3(PLugin) and 4 (Plugin) are 'green'.

But the step 3 ( Library - WindWalker - Framework 4.0.4 - A Framework for Asikart Extensions) is 'red'

SECOND ERRORS WHEN TRYING TO USE COMPONENT When I go in 'Components' in Joomla, and select 'RemoteImage' I have the following error: ' Warning: include_once(/home/intoprod/public_html/libraries/windwalker/src/init.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/intoprod/public_html/administrator/components/com_remoteimage/src/init.php on line 12

Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/intoprod/public_html/libraries/windwalker/src/init.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php53/pear') in /home/intoprod/public_html/administrator/components/com_remoteimage/src/init.php on line 12

Fatal error: Call to undefined function with() in /home/intoprod/public_html/administrator/components/com_remoteimage/remoteimage.php on line 14 '

-> I tried to uninstall RemoteImage several time, and then re-install it. Doesn't work better.

-> I tried to install WindWalker separately (found a version on your GitHub ''). Install runs well but didn't solve the issue. Doesn't work better.

-> I tried all the version or RemoteImage I found ('',''...). Doesn't work better.

Please help !

Many thanks in advance, Dominique

DomJam commented 9 years ago

Just tried another thing : I uploaded and added manually the file '.gitignore' file manually in the 'windwalker' folder before installing (found it in the 'remoteimage-2.0.1' as it was not installed by the installation).

The install process runs well afterwards !!!

BUT.... ...but then, when trying to us the component 'RemoteImage' I now have the following message: ' Fatal error: Call to undefined method Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader::setPsr4() in /home/intoprod/public_html/libraries/windwalker/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on line 33 '

So it wasn't that smart to add this file manually... Now I'm back to version 1.6, waiting for you for the 2.0.1

Help ! :-)

THxs in advance Dominique

asika32764 commented 9 years ago

Thank you for reporting this bug.

I have set 2.0.1 to non-stable version, and I'll find time to check what happened in this new version.


ghost commented 9 years ago

Same Error in Joomla 3.3.3:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader::setPsr4() in .../libraries/windwalker/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on line 33

Did not change any files. Only installed via "Install from web"

Thx for the great tool!

asika32764 commented 9 years ago

Sorry, I retry many times but I can't reproduce this issue.

I installed in new empty Joomla 3.3.3 and tried installed ARI 2.0.1 and install 1.1.6 first then update to 2.0.1, and all works.


Could I know your environment? In windows or mac or linux?

Or could anyone provide me site admin account let me check what happened?

Thank you.

asika32764 commented 9 years ago

Installed in Mac and Linux and still working fine. Could anyone provide me an site account to test?

asika32764 commented 9 years ago

About the Fatal error: Call to undefined method Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader::setPsr4(), It because the System - Akeeba GeoIP provider plugin use old composer ClassLoader version, and quickicons use the new version so they are conflict.

Please remove Akeeba GeoIP or rename it's folder, and ARI will working fine.

asika32764 commented 9 years ago

Issue resolved.