asikart / remoteimage

Asikart RemoteImage helps you manage Joomla CMS image and media files on local and remote FTP host.
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Where is the 'Edit with Pixlr' option when right-cliking on pictures ? #23

Open DomJam opened 9 years ago

DomJam commented 9 years ago


First : many thanks for the newest version of Remote Image.

Second : many thanks for your feedback on the 'Geo localisation' plugin that was causing installation issues. The Akeeba Dev finally updated his plugin with the latest version, and it indeed solved the issue with RemoteImage.

Third: why in this latest version 2.0.1 the option 'Edit with Pixlr' is not available anymore in the 'right-click' menu ?? This was sooo tremendously handy !! How to get it back ? Really hope this is possible. I'm using it all the time !

Many thanks for all,

Regards Dominique

DomJam commented 9 years ago

Hi Team !

Any news on that 'Edit with Pixlr' thing in version 2.0.1 ? I / we really miss it !

Thxs a lot Dominique

asika32764 commented 9 years ago

Sorry, I'm on a big project and too busy to check this board.

About 'Edit with Pixlr option, I'm not sure what is this function because it seems is a elFinder function. Maybe elFinder remove this option in the new version.

I will check this issue when I have time. But if you need this function, try using 1.1.6, it is stable version and most functions are same as 2.0.1.

Thank you.

DomJam commented 9 years ago


First, many thanks for your answer.

Of course I do understand very much that your big project has the priority. And I hope this will be going the way you want.

The 'Edit with Pixlr' is an extraodinary options that allows, via Remote Image, to right click on any picture and edit that picture via the online 'Pixlr' editor. It is a kind of light Photoshop, where you can do a lot of picture edit things (there's layer, dozen of effects, effective selections tools...).

It's almost like you're working on your hard-drive except you are on the server of your website. this means no upload again : when you save, file is saved on the server. So cool. So much time saved when you need to edit your picture (and not only resize it or so).

I really hope this will be maintained in the next versions. It really is a powerful feature (indeed available in 1.1.6)

Many thanks in advance to look into it when you'll have time.

Good luck with your big project, Best,


DomJam commented 9 years ago

Hi !

Wanted to know if you had a chance to check this problem already ? Also I noticed that on 1.1.6 version the 'Rename' function is not available anymore :-(

It is the case on all my website under Joomla 3.3.6.

That one is really a problem for me. PixlR is an amazing addition, but 'Rename' is just totally needed.

Let me know if you need more info, Hoping that you'll be able to do something about it.

Good luck & many thanks in advance


DomJam commented 9 years ago


Me again,

Sorry about last part of my last message. Not being able to rename a file / folder is due to 'Safe Mode' enabled of course.

Sorry for this one.

However, 'Pixlr' option in the right-click menu would be reeallly welcome back on the 2.0.1. For now I'm froce to stay on the 1.6 as this function is very powerful for modifying image 'live' on server...

Hoping you'll have time to look into it some days :-)

Many thanks in advance,


asika32764 commented 9 years ago

We'll start to review all issues of RemoteImage, it need some time to approach it.

Thank you for your support.