asikart / remoteimage

Asikart RemoteImage helps you manage Joomla CMS image and media files on local and remote FTP host.
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Problem in connection to FTP Server #59

Closed saraee closed 7 years ago

saraee commented 8 years ago

Dear Simon, Thanks so much for great Askirat Remote Image. I have installed Askirat Remote Image to show my pictures from FTP server which is not anonymous. I have configured the component with my user name and password (which I have test and know it's true) but when I insert the link to image on FTP server, the Authentication Required window opens. I searched the issues but could not find any answer. Can you please help me?

asika32764 commented 8 years ago

Could you post screen shot of your options?

saraee commented 8 years ago

Thanks so much for your quick answer I have changed the FTP URL. But the Option is like this: askira The URL I have inserted in my Editor is as below:

asika32764 commented 8 years ago

The FTP Image URL should be http://imo123/images

asika32764 commented 8 years ago

If you use ftp:// and it opens a authentication window, it means your FTP setting is not allow anonymous access.

saraee commented 8 years ago

Dear Simon, Thank your for your reply. I changed the FTP Image URL in the Options to http but has no effect. Yes, my FTP is not anonymous. I have username and password for connection to the FTP server which I have insert in the Options in the FTP User and FTP password. I though with Askira Remote Image I can connect to FTP server with user name and password. Did I made a mistake? It just can connect to anonymous FTP server?

asika32764 commented 8 years ago

Where is the position that your browser shows auth window? At frontend article or ARI interface?

The auth windows shows because your browser will link to the image. It's not caused by ARI.

For example, ARI or article have to show image with this HTML:

<img href="" />

So the browser will auto create an auth window to try to connect to FTP, otherwise you won't see your image on browser.

asika32764 commented 8 years ago

If you wants your images located on a server with non-anonymous FTP. You must make this server accessible by Web HTTP.

For example, a FTP connection by, and you must prepare your server accessible by that will show your images.

The browser should not use protocol to access images, it's not safe.

saraee commented 8 years ago

Thank you dear Simon, So what you say means I can't use this component to connect to other FTP server with non-anonymous access. Right? Unfortunately, I can't have http access to that server and I only have FTP. Any other idea for me to read file from FTP server with username and password?

asika32764 commented 8 years ago

Actually it is not depends on any components. You can not use non-anonymous ftp links in HTML.

If someone can access it by anyway on browser with username and password, it means everyone will know your password. So I think it is impossible.