asilvas / blobby

HTTP Proxy for Blob storage systems (such as S3) that automatically shards and replicates your data
MIT License
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Add support for `acl` option in storage interface #9

Closed asilvas closed 7 years ago

asilvas commented 7 years ago

Currently all reads are considered public. With this enhancement, a storage driver will receive the acl option (for reads and writes) which instructs the intent of the caller. Current options: public and private.

Example public read: curl (internally will invoke existing fetch with options { acl: 'public' })

Example private read: curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey shhItsASecret" (internally will invoke existing fetch with options { acl: 'private' })

This will allow storage drivers to discern between public and privileged requests.

Note: Storage drivers are not required to adhere to this feature, and may treat all objects as public.

asilvas commented 7 years ago

Supported in 0.3.0. Requires a storage driver that supports it as well. Currently only S3.