asimlqt / php-google-spreadsheet-client

A PHP library for accessing and manipulating Google Spreadsheets
544 stars 152 forks source link

Is this repository dead? #169

Open nekromoff opened 8 years ago

nekromoff commented 8 years ago

Two pull requests and no acceptation and long time no updates.

Dartui commented 8 years ago

You should use Sheets API v4 instead of this repository. It works very well and have much more features than this one.

asimlqt commented 8 years ago

Hi @nekromoff, I'm sorry I haven't had time to manage this repository for a while. I have merged merged the 2 PRs and tagged as v3.0.2. Also you didn't write any tests for the getById method which means we no longer have 100% coverage!

@Dartui I did have a quick look at the new v4 API a while back and it seemed fairly straight forward to use. Before v4 we had to use XML which can be a pain to work with so a library definitely helped. With v4 being RESTful I'm not sure if there is a need for a library. What do you think? I will take a good look at it in the next few weeks and see if it's worth it.

Dartui commented 8 years ago

@asimlqt there is official implementation of Google Sheets v4 in PHP, but it is not as easy to understand as your implementation. You could create wrapper for methods, for example for making borders, merging cells and so on.