asimlqt / php-google-spreadsheet-client

A PHP library for accessing and manipulating Google Spreadsheets
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no spreadsheets when calling getSpreadsheets() #84

Closed mikkoc closed 9 years ago

mikkoc commented 9 years ago

Since ClientLogin was deprecated a couple weeks ago I started looking into using this php API to manage my spreadsheets. I created a new API project from the Google console, got all the secrets, keys, p12 file, etc. Below is the code I'm using.

The last line fails because the $spreadsheet object is NULL.


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

const G_CLIENT_ID = '';
const G_CLIENT_EMAIL = '';
const G_CLIENT_KEY_PATH = '/home/mikkoc/12345-privatekey.p12';
const G_CLIENT_KEY_PW = 'notasecret';

$client = new Google_Client();

$key = file_get_contents(G_CLIENT_KEY_PATH);
$cred = new Google_Auth_AssertionCredentials(


if($client->getAuth()->isAccessTokenExpired()) {

$service_token = json_decode($client->getAccessToken());
$accessToken = $service_token->access_token;

use Google\Spreadsheet\DefaultServiceRequest;
use Google\Spreadsheet\ServiceRequestFactory;

$serviceRequest = new DefaultServiceRequest($accessToken);

$spreadsheetService = new Google\Spreadsheet\SpreadsheetService();
$spreadsheetFeed = $spreadsheetService->getSpreadsheets();


$spreadsheet = $spreadsheetFeed->getByTitle('servers_GLOBAL');

var_dump($spreadsheet); //this prints NULL

$worksheetFeed = $spreadsheet->getWorksheets();

Here's the XML feed return by $spreadsheetService->getSpreadsheets():

object(Google\Spreadsheet\SpreadsheetFeed)#10 (2) {
  object(SimpleXMLElement)#11 (5) {
    string(63) ""
    string(24) "2015-06-09T18:23:56.148Z"
    object(SimpleXMLElement)#13 (1) {
      array(2) {
        string(43) ""
        string(55) ""
    string(100) "Available Spreadsheets -"
    array(3) {
      object(SimpleXMLElement)#12 (1) {
        array(3) {
          string(9) "alternate"
          string(9) "text/html"
          string(22) ""
      object(SimpleXMLElement)#14 (1) {
        array(3) {
          string(37) ""
          string(20) "application/atom+xml"
          string(63) ""
      object(SimpleXMLElement)#15 (1) {
        array(3) {
          string(4) "self"
          string(20) "application/atom+xml"
          string(63) ""
  array(0) {

What am I missing? I have two spreadsheets, but none of them is shown in the feed...

mikkoc commented 9 years ago

Nevermind, I found out I had to share the spreadsheets with the email created via the developer console. Closing.