asingh33 / CNNGestureRecognizer

Gesture recognition via CNN. Implemented in Keras + Tensorflow/Theano + OpenCV
MIT License
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tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: No such callable #51

Open yinzixie opened 4 years ago

yinzixie commented 4 years ago

Keras 2.3.1 tensorflow 1.13.1 opencv-python

When I tried to predict the gesture this error happened: image

The issues is caused by k.function() due to the version of keras (I guess): image

Unfortunately, I am really new to AI, can you help me to fix it? Thank you very much.

asingh33 commented 4 years ago

Let me take a look.

asingh33 commented 4 years ago

@yinzixie It's certainly due to newer Keras version. In order to repro the issue, I had to update the keras version. I couldn't find any good solution with the latest Keras and Tensorflow version. But even with the latest versions of Tensorflow and Keras, I had to do other changes in driver as some of the function names have been changed. I would suggest to use the older Keras version based on the requirements.txt file in the github, for now, if possible. I may have to do more findings to make the code fully compatible with latest Keras version, which might take some time.

c7chengxuyuan commented 4 years ago

I train this work,over 500 epoch,but why I don't get good prediction? OCG)HIVX%~$21J 9LX1YM 5 S9KP_9OHRM2H3$IMKKB %U GWI1$(OS6}L~VI_T8 K2L$4 424VS$W8L71MW9%46JTY}JH I compared the pictures of the training set,whether it was because my prediction pictures did not have details such as palm print.But I'm using your image processing method. so what is the reason you don't just use local binarization?like res = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(blur,255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C,cv2.THRESH_BINARY,11,2)

asingh33 commented 4 years ago

@c7chengxuyuan Sorry I was away and couldn't back in time. Were you able to make any progress regarding your issue ?

sonalgan commented 2 years ago

Hi! Is this a balanced dataset we are using?

FaysalMehrab commented 11 months ago

IndexError: list index out of range When I'm using the option " 1- Use pretrained model for gesture recognition & layer visualization"

Then it isk me "Which weight file to load (enter the INDEX of it, which starts from 0):"

and then this below error shows up. Screenshot (310)