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Example code and videos #2

Closed taylorjwright closed 2 years ago

taylorjwright commented 2 years ago

Just a comment to say that as part of my reading group I've been trying to hold a session afterwards where we go over the code associated with each paper. I have a GitHub repo for them but some haven't been pushed yet.

I use two running examples:

  1. Hoekstra and Cheng (2012) because that's what Scott Cunningham uses in his Mixtape.
  2. Stevenson and Wolfers (2006) because I thought it would be nice to continue Andrew Goodman-Bacon's example from his paper which is usually a first introduction to this literature.

The plan is to eventually create a short Youtube video for each one going through the scripts.

asjadnaqvi commented 2 years ago

A cool! Thanks for sharing. I can link to these as well once they are made public.