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Manual recovery of weights in Bacon Decomposition #5

Closed wenddymacro closed 2 years ago

wenddymacro commented 2 years ago

there is a error in folloeing code:

display "weight_le = " (((ne + nl) (De))^2 nel (1 - nel) (Dl / De) * ((De - Dl)/(De)) ) / VD

it would be

display "weight_le = " (((ne + nl) (De))^2 nel (1 - nel) (Dl / De) * ((De - Dl)/(1-De)) ) / VD

asjadnaqvi commented 2 years ago

Thanks @wenddymacro for picking this up! This Stata formula is correct but its latex code shown above it wrong, which I have now corrected. I double checked with the paper here as well: