asjadnaqvi / stata-alluvial

A Stata package for alluvial plots
MIT License
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Color control of the alluvial flow from a level #18

Open ericmelse opened 1 year ago

ericmelse commented 1 year ago

Dear Asjad, Next I used another one of Ben Jann's palettes (Accent) to control colors, like:

use "MBO22Keuzedelen_Start_20230413.dta" , clear
gen c_keuzedl=1
replace c_keuzedl=2 if KEUZEDEELKEUZE==3
replace c_keuzedl=3 if KEUZEDEELKEUZE==2
replace c_keuzedl=4 if KEUZEDEELKEUZE==4
label define lbl_c_keuzedl 1 "Oriënteren" 2 "Samenwerken" 3 "Analyseren'" 4 "Reflecteren" , replace
label values c_keuzedl lbl_c_keuzedl
label var c_roc "College"
label var vrouw "Studenten"
label var c_keuzedl "Keuzedeel"
alluvial c_roc vrouw c_keuzedl , laba(0) labs(*1.4) showtot boxw(*80) shares vals(*1.2) valf(%12.2f) valgap(*18) palette(Accent) name(roc2, replace)

which results in: Alluvial_test_4_20230418 You will observe that the alluvial flows from the second category of the second level are all wrongly colored. I expect that to look more like: Alluvial_test_4_20230418expected which did go fine with my other alluvial plots. So, why this goes wrong now I cannot tell. I hope that you can replicate this error.

Best, Eric